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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Kyiv State Choreographic College, also called Kyiv State Ballet College (sometimes Kyiv State Ballet School), is associated with the National Ballet of Ukraine, and was established in 1949, with its first graduation in 1951. The school had begun in 1934 as a children's ballet studio within the Kyiv Opera House.

  2. ЕЛЕКТРОННА СКРИНЬКА ДОВІРИ. З метою організації безпечного освітнього середовища та покращення діяльності нашого Коледжу створена «ЕЛЕКТРОННА СКРИНЬКА ДОВІРИ», на яку кожен, кому небайдужа доля Коледжу, може ...

  3. О.Таїров. В 1940 році, з метою вдосконалення підготовки артистів балету шляхом збільшення терміну їх навчання до 7 років, технікум перейменовано у Київську спеціальну середню школу-десятирічку, навчання в якій здійснювалось як із спеціальних, так і з загальноосвітніх дисциплін.

  4. Vaganova Ballet Academy (+7 812) 456-07-65; Russia, Saint Petersburg Rossi Street, 2 ...

  5. The Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet is a school of classical ballet in St Petersburg, Russia. Established in 1738 during the reign of Empress Anna, the academy was known as the Imperial Ballet School until the Soviet era, when, after a brief hiatus, the school was re-established as the Leningrad State Choreographic Institute.

  6. In 1995, after six years at the Kyiv School, Zakharova entered the Young Dancers' Competition (Vaganova-Prix) in St. Petersburg. The youngest contestant, she took second prize and was invited to continue her training in the graduating course of St Petersburg's Vaganova Academy.

  7. 24. Juli 2023 · Training shapes bodies, and post-Soviet dancers still begin training young; students at the Kyiv State Choreographic College in Ukraine range from 10 to 17 years old. But if you’re imagining...