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  1. Kevin Thompson ist der Name folgender Personen: Kevin Thompson (Musikpädagoge) (Kit Thompson), britischer Musiker, Musikpädagoge und Hochschullehrer; Kevin Thompson (Schauspieler), US-amerikanischer Schauspieler; Kevin Thompson (Szenenbildner), US-amerikanischer Szenenbildner

  2. Kevin Thompson is a versatile performer who has appeared in films, TV shows, and stage productions. He is known for his roles as Ewok, Blob Operator, and Little Man in various projects.

    • 1.35 m
    • 31 Sek.
    • Actor, Stunts, Additional Crew
    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Powers and Abilities
    • Equipment
    • Facilities
    • Relationships
    • Trivia

    ―Kilgrave to Jessica Jones

    Kevin Thompson was a man who was experimented on by his parents since his childhood in order to treat a neurodegenerative disease, but the treatment ended up giving him the new ability to control people's minds at his will. Assuming the name Kilgrave, he began to use his powers for personal gain and developed a cruel nature, eventually coming across Jessica Jones whom he kept as his personal sex slave for several months.

    Torturous Childhood
    Meeting Jessica Jones
    Return to New York
    Seeking Revenge

    ―Kilgrave to Jessica Jones

    Kilgrave lacked any form of moral compass or conscience, showing traits of sociopathy. Unlike Wilson Fisk or Cornell Stokes, who relied on brute force to get what they wanted, Kilgrave embraced a more psychological approach when enforcing his will on others. If someone annoyed him, he would frequently go out of his way to order them to do something vicious to themselves. An example of this was when he ordered a newspaper salesman to throw his hot coffee over his face simply for telling him to stop loitering. This was only a mild example; he had been known to order people to remain motionless for hours on end or even to commit suicide in the most brutal of ways. He also had little, if any, self-control, with a tendency to overreact to even the slightest insult. He repeatedly raped female thralls such as Jessica Jones and Hope Shlottman, impregnating the latter, and was apparently too divorced from human morality to realize it was rape, considering he took them out for fine dining and hotels.

    Before he met Jones, Kilgrave was used to getting everything he wanted, essentially a spoiled child in an adult body. However, when Jones managed to escape his influence, Kilgrave became obsessed with Jones; stalking her and trying everything in his power to get at her with the ultimate goal of trying to make her his. Under this delusion of love, Kilgrave went out of his way to prove he was a changed man worthy of love, even buying Jones’ childhood home without brainwashing the current owner to do as he bid. To further this goal, Kilgrave attempted to destroy anyone even remotely close to Jones. Hope Shlottman and her family were mere toys for Kilgrave and his attempts to woo Jones. He turned Jones' neighbor Malcolm Ducasse into a drug addict so he could use him to get pictures of her. This would have also happened to Trish Walker, when he was just about to escape wanted the ultimate act of revenge against Jones by taking one of the only people she ever loved and turning into his plaything; in Jones' mind he would be raping her, whilst Walker was slowly dying in her own mind.

    However, when forced to see the experiments that created him, Kilgrave showed genuine sadness and discomfort, covering his ears and assuming the fetal position in order to hide from the video being shown. However, he was also shown to have enough strong will to endure ten hours of surgery while awake, using an epidural instead, since putting him unconscious with surgical anesthesia, such as propofol or sufentanil would shut down different bodily functions, removing his control over others. He then watched as the man he enthralled, David Kurata, performed the surgery to give him Jack Denton's kidney, the latter of whom he also enthralled.

    Ironically, despite being child-like himself, Kilgrave immensely disliked children, believing they should be "seen and not heard, or better still not seen and not heard" and was callous to any child's well-being or health. Without batting an eyelid, he put the children of a family into a closet and told them to be quiet, even ordering the daughter to wet herself there instead of using the bathroom. He also told a man he controlled to become his chauffeur to leave his child on the side of the street. He also saw no regret in using the fetus of his aborted child with Shlottman in order for his father to research ways to expand his powers to greater levels.

    One of his most defining traits was his complete refusal to take responsibility for any of his actions, often twisting events and finding reasons to make it sound like others were to blame or that his victims deserved the horrible fate he gave them. He went so far as to say Jones didn't love him because she was incapable of loving another person, not even considering the possibility that it was because he turned her into his personal mind-slave.


    ―Kilgrave and Jessica Jones •Mind Control: Kilgrave had the ability to control another person's mind through literal verbal commands and make them completely obedient to him, thanks to a virus that he emits through microparticles in the air. His power was revealed to be a side-effect of the viral treatment used to cure his childhood degenerative disease. His ability is always active as he cannot stop his body from producing the virus and anyone within his immediate proximity is affected but don't realize it until he issues a command. The nature of Kilgrave's viral mind control required him to be physically present for his commands to have an immediate effect. Speaking over a phone or through a physical barrier like a sealed room did not enthrall his victim. Once his thrall left his vicinity Kilgrave's power had a time limit of ten to twelve hours before the victim began to regain his or her own will unless he reestablished control before the time limit was up. Until the time limit was up, the victims would continue to follow Kilgrave's commands unless he interrupted them and gave them a different order to follow. He controlled Hope Shlottman for several weeks and Jessica Jones for 8 months. Kilgrave's ability could compel behavior as well as actions. By saying "you'd like to invite me in" and "I'm going to be your guest here indefinitely, you'll be delighted", he enthralled a man and his wife not only to invite him into their home, totally ignoring the fact that he was a stranger who just locked their children in a closet but treat him kindly as a guest, serving him dinner with smiles on their faces. His control over others' behavior seemed to allow him to control their emotions or at least emulate an emotion on command, such as making a little girl he sent as a messenger to Jessica angrily insult her for leaving Kilgrave for dead. He also did this to Luke Cage, making him angrily state that he could never forgive Jones for killing Reva Connors, though he did later hesitate while following Kilgrave's orders to kill Jones and his anger faded into sadness when asking Jessica to shoot him. While Kilgrave could command physical actions and compel behavior he was unable to erase or alter memories, because the after-effect of its control does not include an amnesiac effect, since the victims were sufficiently aware of their trance state, thus which most often led him commit murder or suicide to keep his existence a secret. His abilities invade people's thoughts and deadens their will, Jessica describes it as "prying fungus from a window, I couldn't think". This causes the victim to either seemingly not feel emotions while following his orders or in cases when a victim is told to kill or harm themselves or others, show visible fear and confusion, such as Albert Thompson, who was panicked when Kilgrave enthralled him to put his hand near the blades inside a running blender. When under Kilgrave's control, people would do anything he commanded to the best of their ability, even working non-stop to the point of passing out and forgoing using the bathroom or eating in favor of following his commands. His thralls in the hospital, when commanded to find and kill Jessica, were urgently looking for her and even worked together to expose her, as one suspicious nurse alerted the others to Jones when she was disguised. His thralls seemed overwhelmed with anxiety and panic when unable to carry out Kilgrave's wishes, feeling they "have to" do as he instructs. Hope Shlottman flew into a hysterical frenzy when Jessica removed her from the bed Kilgrave told her to stay in and Trish Walker was having an emotional breakdown from stress when she was unable to put a bullet in her skull as Kilgrave told her to, desperately repeating "I have to put a bullet in my head" while pressing a fired round into her temple. Kilgrave's thralls must fulfill his words specifically, which can leave them open to interpretation. When he told Trish Walker to put a bullet in her skull, and therefore her head, Jessica Jones found a loophole in that command and placed a bullet inside Trish's mouth, thereby putting a bullet in her head, allowing her to satisfy Kilgrave's command and stop. Kilgrave's thralls remain under his control when he is sleeping or unconscious but certain anesthetics such as propofol or sufentanil shut down the bodily functions necessary to keep others under his control. Kilgrave was even willing to use an epidural during surgery to replace his kidneys in order to retain his control of the surgeon performing the procedure. If a person suffered a significantly traumatic event while under Kilgrave's control it was possible for them to break free of it and become immune to the virus and its mind control effect, as when Jessica Jones murdered Reeva Connors and was so traumatized that from that moment on, she was immune to Kilgrave. Initially, Kilgrave could only control the people in his immediate vicinity who "share the same air with him", according to Jessica, but after Albert Thompson performed more experiments on him, Kilgrave's power expanded to a distance of over a hundred yards and a time limit of 16 hours, then up to 24. Ultimately these enhancements allowed Kilgrave to enthrall the entirety of Metro-General Hospital over the PA system, presumably producing enough of his virus to fill the entire building and place everyone within it under his control. Kilgrave could only determine if someone was under his thrall by observing them obeying his commands, this allowed Jessica to get close enough to kill him by acting like she was once again under his control.


    •Master Tactician: He possesses extensive, innate, knowledge and skill in how to perform perfect crimes, running crime organizations and criminal activities. Using this ability, he can perform feats as always getting away with committing crimes and organizing a series of criminal activities to maintain high illegal income to make them wealthy and maintain control of areas. He can intimidate anyone and induce fear without saying a word.


    ―Kilgrave •Goldfish: Kilgrave saw a picture of the boat and liked it so much that he went to the boat. Jessica Jones tricked him into thinking he could mind control her and snapped his neck in front of the boat before he left.

    •Niku: Kilgrave's favorite restaurant was Niku, where he took Jessica Jones and Hope Shlottman.

    •Plaza Hotel: Kilgrave held Hope Shlottman in the hotel.

    •Kilgrave's Apartment: Kilgrave enthralled the owners of the apartment to let him stay in it. He eventually left when Jessica Jones found him.

    •Jones Residence: Kilgrave bought Jessica Jones old house and remodeled it to look exactly like her childhood in order to get her to stay with him.

    •Justin Boden's Penthouse: Kilgrave took his father to the penthouse to get him to amplify Kilgrave's powers.

    •Delaney Hall: After believing he amplified his powers, Kilgrave went to Delaney Hall to test them.


    •Albert Thompson † - Father, Thrall and Victim •Louise Thompson † - Mother, Thrall and Victim •Unborn Child †


    •Eric Brantford - Idol •Matt - Bodyguard •Lin •Hank † - Bodyguard


    •Jessica Jones - Former Thrall, Rape Victim, Obsession, Temporary Ally, Attempted Victim and Killer •Reva Connors † - Former Thrall and Victim •David Kurata - Former Thrall •Jack Denton - Former Thrall •Kilgrave Victim Support Group •Emma - Former Thrall •Donald - Former Thrall •Clair - Former Thrall •Jackson - Former Thrall •Malcolm Ducasse - Former Thrall •Hope Shlottman † - Former Thrall and Rape Victim •Bob Shlottman † - Former Thrall and Victim •Barbara Shlottman † - Former Thrall and Victim •Trish Walker - Former Thrall, Former Target and Attempted Victim •New York City Police Department •Will Simpson † - Former Thrall and Attempted Victim •Brett Mahoney - Former Thrall •Oscar Clemons † - Former Thrall •Eddy Costa - Former Thrall •Worth - Former Thrall •L. Warren - Former Thrall •Vasquez - Former Thrall •Tolbert - Former Thrall •Lombardo - Former Thrall •New York City Department of Correction •McCaffrey - Former Thrall •Chanise - Former Thrall •Harvey - Former Thrall •Ruben † - Former Thrall and Victim •Alva Ramirez - Former Thrall •Laurent Bouchard - Former Thrall •Elizabeth De Luca † - Former Thrall and Victim •Chuck - Former Thrall •Robinson † - Victim •Ken † - Victim •Jeri Hogarth - Former Thrall •Wendy Ross-Hogarth † - Former Thrall •Robyn - Former Thrall •Luke Cage - Former Thrall •Justin Boden - Former Thrall •Frank Levin † - Former Thrall and Victim

    •In the comics, Zebediah Killgrave was a spy from Yugoslavia who was exposed to chemicals during a mission of industrial espionage. The accident changed his skin purple, granting him the name of Purple Man, and allowing him to control people's minds through their pheromones. He became a regular foe of Daredevil, and the arch-nemesis of Jessica Jones.

    •Kilgrave's actions towards Jessica Jones in the television show differ from that of the comics. While Kilgrave did indeed keep Jones a prisoner for months, he never used her for sexual means as he did in the show, mainly using her as an enforcer.

    •Kilgrave tends to dress using purple suits and clothing, alluding further to his codename in the comics. Though in the series, he is never referred to by that name.

    •When injected with the drug to enhance his powers and then later, when shouting at a large crowd of people to stop what they were doing at the Hudson Ferry Terminal, Kilgrave's veins briefly turned purple, a nod to his codename in the comics.

  3. Alle Informationen zu Filmen und Serien mit der Beteiligung von Kevin Thompson. Die fantastische Welt von Oz. Ein Film mit James Franco, Mila Kunis und Rachel Weisz. Fantasy, Abenteuer & Familie • 63% gefällt der Film. In Oscar Diggs Leben passiert nicht viel Aufregendes.

  4. Wien, 21. April 2021 — Tricentis, die weltweit führende Testplattform für moderne Cloud- und Enterprise-Anwendungen, ernennt Kevin Thompson zum Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Chief Executive Officer. Der bisherige CEO, Sandeep Johri, wird das Unternehmen verlassen, Tricentis jedoch weiterhin als Mitglied des Vorstands verbunden bleiben. Er hat ...

  5. Kevin Thompson is an actor who appeared in Blade Runner, Star Wars, Weird Science and other films and TV shows. He also performed in opera, toured with bands and studied cinematography.

  6. 3,1. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Kevin Thompson. Von den Anfängen seiner 29 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.