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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Thorvaldsens Museum ist ein Einzel-Künstler-Museum in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, das der Kunst des dänischen Bildhauers des Klassizismus Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844) gewidmet ist.

  2. Thorvaldsens Museum does not only consist of Thorvaldsen's own sculptures, models and drawings, but also of his extensive collections of other artist's paintings and sculptures; of art, coins and crafts from antiquity; medals, books and personal items.

  3. Vor 3 Tagen · Thorvaldsens Museum rummer ikke kun Thorvaldsens egne skulpturer, modeller og tegninger, men også hans omfattende samlinger af bl.a. andre kunstnernes malerier og skulpturer, af antikke kunstværker, mønter og kunsthåndværk, og af medaljer, bøger og personlige genstande.

  4. The museum is dedicated to the world-renowned Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844). In addition to the museum building's unique architecture, you can immerse yourself in Thorvaldsen's many sculptures and explore his extensive collections of paintings and ancient artifacts.

  5. Bertel Thorvaldsen war ein dänischer Bildhauer. Er gilt als bedeutendster Vertreter des dänischen Klassizismus.

  6. The museum is a gem in the heart of Copenhagen and since opening in 1848 as the first museum in Denmark it has afforded visitors a very special opportunity to savour world-class art and architecture. Our free audio guide offers visitors a glimpse into the history of the sculptures which represents Roman gods and famous historical personages.

  7. Thorvaldsen Museum opened in 1848 and it was the countrys first public museum. The museum’s architecture and the exhibited sculptures play beautifully together, and the colorful and richly decorated rooms are a very special experience.