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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Joseph Kasavubu (auch Kasa Vubu) (* 1910 – andere Angaben 1913, 1915 oder 1917 – bei Tschela; † 24. März 1969 in Boma) war von 1960 bis 1965 der erste Präsident der Demokratischen Republik Kongo .

  2. Joseph Kasa-Vubu, alternatively Joseph Kasavubu, (c. 1915 – 24 March 1969) was a Congolese politician who served as the first President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (the Republic of the Congo until 1964) from 1960 until 1965.

  3. Joseph Kasavubu was a statesman and the first president of the independent Congo republic from 1960 to 1965, who shortly after independence in 1960 ousted the Congo’s first premier, Patrice Lumumba, after the breakdown of order in the country. Educated by Roman Catholic missionaries, Kasavubu.

  4. 24. Aug. 2009 · Joseph Kasavubu was the first president of the Republic of Congo, serving from 1960 to 1965. He assumed the office when the Congo became independent from Belgium on June 30, 1960. The date and year of his birth is not certain but it is believed to be around 1910.

  5. 29. Mai 2018 · Joseph Kasavubu (ca. 1913-1969) was the first president of the Republic of the Congo and provided a continuous focus of power through the struggles of the former Belgian colony to independence. Joseph Kasavubu was born in the village of Kuma-Dizi in the Mayombe district of Lower Congo.

  6. Joseph Kasavubu wurde im Jahre 1910 in Tshela in der Provinz Léopoldville nahe der Küste geboren. Seine Mutter gehört dem Bakongo-Stamm an. Einer seiner Großväter war Chinese. K. besuchte die kath. Missionsschule der Pères de Scheut in Kizu und ab 1928 ein Priesterseminar in Mbata Keila. Anschließend studierte er von 1936-1939 Theologie ...

  7. In the months leading up to independence, the Congolese elected a president, Joseph Kasavubu, prime minister, Patrice Lumumba, a senate and assembly, and similar bodies in the Congo’s numerous...