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  1. Bodhidharma (chinesisch 菩提達摩, Pinyin Pútídámó oder kurz Damo 達摩, jap. Bodai-Daruma oder Daruma ) war ein aus Indien stammender buddhistischer Mönch und gilt als der erste Patriarch der Chan - und Zen -Linien.

  2. › wiki › BodhidharmaBodhidharma - Wikipedia

    Bodhidharma was a semi-legendary Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century CE. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chan Buddhism to China, and is regarded as its first Chinese patriarch.

  3. Bodhidharma: Der erste Patriarch des Zen – Religion-in-Japan. B odhidharma (jap. Daruma ), der legendenumwobene Gründer des Chan bzw. Zen Buddhismus, ist ein beliebtes ikonographisches Motiv. In den klassischen Darstellungen wird vor allem seine asketische Strenge und seine Ausdauer bei der Meditation hervorgehoben.

  4. 17. Apr. 2024 · Bodhidharma (flourished 6th century ce) was a Buddhist monk who, according to tradition, is credited with establishing the Zen branch of Mahayana Buddhism. The accounts of Bodhidharma’s life are largely legendary, and historical sources are practically nonexistent.

  5. Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chan Buddhism to China, and regarded as its first Chinese patriarch.

  6. Learn about Bodhidharma, the legendary monk who brought Ch'an or Zen Buddhism from India to China and challenged the scriptural tradition. Discover his famous encounters with Emperor Wu, his three-year journey, his humor and his koans.

  7. Bodhidharma – The Life of the legendary Da Mo, founder of Shaolin: an epic journey from India to China. Feature Contents. There is no debate that Bodhidharma is an inspiring and towering presence in Mahayana Buddhism and the mystery of Shaolin. The life of the legendary monk Bodhidharma does have many facets that are subject to debate; based ...