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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Moggalana (Moggallāna; Pâli, auch ehrend: Mahamoggalana; Sanskrit: Maudgalyāyana) war neben Sariputta einer der beiden Hauptschüler Buddhas. Moggalana war für seine übernatürlichen Kräfte bekannt.

  2. Sariputta and Moggallana. A depiction of Mahamoggallana's death. Sariputta and Moggallana were considered to have been the two chief disciples of the Buddha. Sariputta was considered the disciple who was foremost in wisdom and Moggallana was considered the disciple who was foremost in psychic powers. [1]

  3. Maudgalyāyana ( Pali: Moggallāna ), also known as Mahāmaudgalyāyana or by his birth name Kolita, was one of the Buddha 's closest disciples. Described as a contemporary of disciples such as Subhuti, Śāriputra ( Pali: Sāriputta ), and Mahākāśyapa ( Pali: Mahākassapa ), he is considered the second of the Buddha's two ...

  4. 14. Apr. 2018 · Moggalana (Pâli, auch ehrend Mahamoggalana, Sanskrit „Maudgalyayana“) war neben Sariputta einer der beiden Hauptschüler Buddhas. Moggalana war für seine übernatürlichen Kräfte bekannt.

  5. Maudgalyāyana (P. Moggallāna; T. mo'u 'gal gyi bu མོའུ་འགལ་གྱི་བུ་; C. mujianlian/mulian 摩訶目犍連/目連), also known as Mahāmaudgalyāyana, was one of the two chief disciples of Gautama Buddha, together with Śāriputra .

  6. Er wird auch als Moggallana oder Mahamaudgalyayana bezeichnet. Er war ein enger Freund von Sariputta.Mahamoggallana erlangte das Parinirvana sechs Monate vor Buddha und sowohl er als auch Sariputta starben innerhalb von zwei Wochen.

  7. Moggallana. Moggallana, popularly known as Maha Moggallana in the Pali tradition, was one of the two chief disciples of the Buddha. He was ordained along with Sariputta; and on the same day the Buddha, too, had declared that they were the Chief Disciples.