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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Margherita Paleologa (* 11. August 1510 in Pontestura ; † 28. Dezember 1566 in Casale Monferrato ) war Markgräfin von Montferrat und durch Heirat Herzogin von Mantua .

  2. Margaret Palaeologa (Italian: Margherita Paleologa; 11 August 1510 in Casale Monferrato – 28 December 1566 in Mantua), was the ruling Marquise regnant of Montferrat in her own right between 1533 and 1536. She was also Duchess of Mantua by marriage to Federico II, Duke of Mantua.

  3. Margherita Paleologa (Pontestura, 11 agosto 1510 – Casale Monferrato, 28 dicembre 1566) era figlia di Guglielmo IX (1486-1518), marchese del Monferrato, e di Anna d'Alençon (1492-1562). Fu l'ultima della sua stirpe e succedette, insieme al consorte, allo zio Giovanni Giorgio del Monferrato

  4. Margaret (Italian: Margherita Paleologa; 1364 in Casale Monferrato – 1420 in Saragosa, Urgell) from the House of Palaeologus-Montferrat, was daughter of the marquess of Montferrat and lady of Acqui. By her marriage, she became countess of Urgell.

  5. MARGHERITA Paleologo, duchessa di Mantova e marchesa del Monferrato. – Nacque l’11 ag. 1510 a Pontestura, secondogenita del marchese del Monferrato Guglielmo e di Anna d’Alençon. Nel 1517 nulla lasciava presagire che M. sarebbe un giorno subentrata alla sorella maggiore Maria nelle intricate vicende matrimoniali che in quel tempo presero ...

  6. Margherita Paleologia Giulio Romano, Porträt von Margherita Paleologa, Königliche Sammlung, 1531.: Gemahlin der Herzogin von Mantua; Verantwortlich 3. Oktober 1531 - 28. Juni 1540

  7. We know that Federico sent a ‘corona di lapis’ to his young bride, Margherita Paleologo, who is described in a letter of 1531 wearing this and a zazara. In Margherita’s inventory there appears a lapis rosary with sixty-three Ave Marie beads interspersed with nine gold paternostri beads, and a targa of St Catherine.