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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Jean-Pierre Serre (2009) Jean-Pierre Serre (* 15. September 1926 in Bages im französischen Département Pyrénées-Orientales) ist einer der führenden Mathematiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er gilt als Wegbereiter der modernen algebraischen Geometrie, Zahlentheorie und Topologie. Serre ist Träger der Fields-Medaille und des Abelpreises.

  2. Jean-Pierre Serre (French:; born 15 September 1926) is a French mathematician who has made contributions to algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 1954, the Wolf Prize in 2000 and the inaugural Abel Prize in 2003.

  3. Jean-Pierre Serre, né le 15 septembre 1926 [2] à Bages (Pyrénées-Orientales), est un mathématicien français. Il reçoit de nombreuses récompenses pour ses recherches, et est en particulier lauréat de la médaille Fields en 1954, du prix Balzan en 1985, de la médaille d'or du CNRS en 1987, du prix Wolf de mathématiques en 2000, et le premier lauréat du prix Abel en 2003.

  4. Jean-Pierre Serre. From the Abel Prize: "Serre developed revolutionary algebraic methods for studying topology, and in particular studied the transformations between spheres of higher dimensions. He is responsible for a spectacular clarification of the work of the Italian algebraic geometers by introducing and developing the right algebraic ...

  5. Jean-Pierre Serre est l’un des plus grands mathématiciens du XXe siècle. Peu connu du grand public, il cumule pourtant les titres prestigieux. Elève à l’École normale supérieure, il est reçu premier à l’agrégation de mathématiques en 1948. Chercheur au CNRS, il présente sa thèse en topologie algébrique en 1951 et, trois ans ...

  6. Jean-Pierre Serre, French mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1954 for his work in algebraic topology. In 2003 he was awarded the first Abel Prize by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Learn more about Serre’s life and work, including his notable books.

  7. Jean-Pierre Serre's parents, Jean Serre and Adèle Diet, were both pharmacists. His mother Adèle had been a pharmacy student at the University of Montpellier and she took a calculus course ( just for fun, she said, since she liked mathematics ) .

  8. 2003: Jean-Pierre Serre Collège de France, France "for playing a key role in shaping the modern form of many parts of mathematics, including topology, algebraic geometry and number theory".

  9. Jean-Pierre Serre ist einer der führenden Mathematiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er gilt als Wegbereiter der modernen algebraischen Geometrie, Zahlentheorie und Topologie. Serre ist Träger der Fields-Medaille und des Abelpreises. Die Fields-Medaille wurde ihm im Alter von 27 Jahren verliehen, womit er zum bislang jüngsten Preisträger dieser Auszeichnung wurde.

  10. Né à Bâges (Pyrénées orientales) le 15 septembre 1926. Fils de Jean Serre et Adèle Serre (née Diet), pharmaciens. Formation et carrière professionnelle. 1932-1937 : Élève à l'École de Vauvert; 1937-1945 : Élève à au Lycée de Nîmes ; 1944 : Bachelier ès sciences et ès lettres; 1945-1948 : Élève à l'École normale supérieure

  11. Jean-Pierre Serre: An Overview of His Work 37 Serre’s thesis contains several applications. For example, by combining Morse’s theory (1938) with his own results, Serre proves that, on every compact connected Riemannian manifold, there exist infinitely many geodesics connecting any two dis-tinct points. But, undoubtedly, the most remarkable ...

  12. Jean-Pierre Serre’s mathematical thought is far from being confined to his published work. Many mathematicians in the whole world have been deeply influenced by him, through personal contacts, and the — often far-reaching — developments initiated by «questions of Sette» are innumerable. Furthermore, his talent as an expositor and the elegance of his style, universally considered as a ...

  13. Jean-Pierre Serre is a Fields Medal-winning French mathematician who has made significant contributions in the fields of algebraic geometry, number theory and topology. Jean-Pierre’s work has successfully established a new foundation for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Highlights of Jean-Pierre’s research include his work on ...

  14. 1. Jan. 2009 · Abstract. For more than five decades, the mathematical contributions of Jean-Pierre Serre have played an essential role in the development of several areas of mathematics. The present paper aims to provide an overview of his work. The selected references include his books, most of the papers collected in his Œuvres, as well as some of his more ...

  15. Serre hat mit zahlreichen Monographien für die Verbreitung und Zusammenfassung der Resultate aus seinen Forschungsgebieten gewirkt und damit deren Entwicklung weiter spürbar gefördert. Seine Leistungen wurden wiederholt von der Gemeinschaft der Mathematiker mit Auszeichnungen anerkannt, u. a. 1954 mit der Verleihung der Fields- Medaille .

  16. Frankreich Jean-Pierre Serre Balzan Preis 1985 für Mathematik Für seine zahlreichen herausragenden Beiträge zur algebraischen Topologie, zur algebraischen Geometrie und zur Zahlentheorie, im Besonderen für seine Verdienste, mit seinen tiefgründigen und originellen Ansätzen die Grundlagen und Techniken der algebraischen Topologie und Geometrie erneuert zu haben.

  17. Interview with Jean-Pierre Serre. Martin Raussen and Christian Skau. The interviewers were Martin Raussen, Aalborg University, Denmark; and Christian Skau, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. This interview took place in Oslo on June 2, 2003, during the Abel Prize celebrations.

  18. 0:15 Reaction to winning the Abel Prize0:56 What made you go into algebraic topology?2:24 Homotopy theory 3:09 Fibre space5:19 Serre's work on number theory5...

  19. 23. Okt. 2001 · von. Serre, Jean-Pierre. Buch Gebunden. 212 Seiten. Englisch. Springer erschienen am23.10.2001 Corr. pr. This volume is an English translation of "Cohomologie Galoisienne" . - The "resume de cours" of my 1990-1991 lectures at the College de France on Galois cohomology of semisimple groups, and its relation with abelian cohomology, especially in ...

  20. Jean-Pierre Serre; Pages 69-118. Download chapter PDF Nonabelian Galois cohomology. Jean-Pierre Serre; Pages 119-197. Download chapter PDF Back Matter. Pages 199-211 . Download chapter PDF Back to top. Authors and Affiliations. Collège de France, Paris, ...