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  1. Master-Studiengänge der FOM: Informieren Sie sich jetzt über das Studienangebot der FOM. Karriere machen und neben dem Beruf studieren. 32x in Deutschland.

  2. Dig through our full list of 2024 master's degree scholarships and find the best for you. Fund your education with master's scholarships in your area or across the US.


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 3. Juli 2024 · Master of Laws (Berufserfahrung erforderlich) (berufsbegleitend) Mit einem Master of Laws werden weiterführende Jura-Studiengänge im Bachelor-Master-System abgeschlossen. Erfahre alles Wissenswerte über den LL.M.

  2. From Winter Semester 2021/22, the Faculty of Law will be offering a masters degree program that focuses explicitly on German law in the German language for law graduates who obtained their degrees abroad.

  3. Find the best LL.M. Master of Laws in the field of Law from top universities in Germany. Check all 25 programmes.

  4. In the one-year international Master's program European and International Law (MEIL), which has been offered at Universität Hamburg as from the academic year 2022/23, students will acquire in-depth knowledge in the fascinating legal fields of international and European law.

  5. The interdisciplinary Master's programme 'European and European Legal Studies' offers graduates of a first degree the opportunity to understand the process of European integration in its legal, political and economic dimensions.

  6. The Faculty of Law and Economics of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn offers the master study programme “Master of German Laws (LL.M.) – Master im Deutschen Recht (LL.M.)” leading to the academic degree of a Master of Laws, LL.M (Magister Legum, Master im Deutschen Recht (LL.M.)).

  7. Learn the law and enhance your career with a flexible online, hybrid or on-campus M.L.S. degree from UCLA, the #1 public university and law school in Southern California. Choose from eight specializations and join a vibrant community of professionals and alumni.

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    Suchen, vergleichen, studieren – Finde Anbieter im Vergleichsportal Fernstudium Direkt! Wähle aus über 2700 Kursen & Studiengängen von mehr als 100 Bildungsanbietern.

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    Upgrade Your Career With An Online Degree From ORU Online. Over 98% Placement - US News & World Report Best Value–Top 5 in US for Student Engagement