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  1. › artikel › !5731780Algier, 11. Dezember 1960

    Am 11. Dezember 1960 gingen im Stadtteil Belcourt in Algier mehr als 10 000 Männer und Frauen auf die Straße, trotz aller Versuche, die Proteste zu unterdrücken. Am Nachmittag gab de Gaulle der Armee die Erlaubnis zu schießen.

  2. Die FNF besetzte mit 600 uniformierten Paramilitärs am 23. Januar 1960 die Universität von Algier und errichtete dort einen bewaffneten Stützpunkt. Das in der Stadt stationierte Militär intervenierte nicht, und am Folgetag kam es zu einer Solidaritätsdemonstration von rund 20.000 Algerienfranzosen. Als die

    • De Gaulle and The 'French Algeria' Opposition
    • No More Abuse from The 'Ultras'
    • Remembering Algeria 1992: The First Arab Spring That Never Became A Summer
    • The End of The Gaullist 'Third Way'
    • Dreams of Independence
    • The People's Independence Wrested from Colonial Domination

    The French president Charles de Gaulle had planned to be in Algeria from 9 to 12 December to rally support for his neo-colonial "third way" solution for a transition to an "Algerian Algeria". Based on the models imposed in other former French colonies, the plan would hand power to a ruling class, itself subservient to the French government, which w...

    On 10 December, the first uprisings broke out on the Rue de Stora (now Rue des Frères Chemloul) in Oran, and the Rue de Lyon (now Belouizdad) in Algiers. Here is also where the first ranks of impromptu protests formed, as unrest emerged in urban areas on the periphery of colonial segregation. Mostepha Hadj, a resistance fighter from Oran, explained...

    Eventually the military and police barricades blocked several quarters, so the women and their ululations accompanied the flow of protesters, whose ranks continued to swell from all sides. In Algiers, after initial upheavals in Belcourt, the inhabitants of Nador bidonville and other self-built shantytowns that had grown since the 1930s, rose up in ...

    The December demonstrations eventually forced de Gaulle to give up on his "third way" solution and send the ultras back to the conspiracy drawing board. To recover political legitimacy, groups related to the FAF claimed that the demonstrations had emerged from an Urban Administrative Section (SAU) psychological campaign. They alleged that this atte...

    The slogans that flourished in a number of cities, including "Negotiations with the FLN now," "Abbas for president" and "Long live the GPRA," made quite an impression on international observers and were even debated on the floor of the United Nations. I interviewed Bahiya, the daughter of an FLN fundraiser from Belcourt, who participated in the dem...

    A majority of the French army subsequently maintained that the government was overpowered because it had refused to commit to an armed intervention to suppress the counter-insurgency. Yet troops had been deployed nearly everywhere and, with the consent of the political ruling class, they had fired and killed, raided and tortured. The fact is, the p...

  3. 12. Dez. 2014 · Am 11. Dezember 1960 mobilisierte die Organisation eine riesige Menschenmenge, die für die Unabhängigkeit demonstrierte und dazu die algerische Nationalflagge schwenkte. Die Massenkundgebungen dauerten bis zum 21. Dezember und konnten nur durch den Einsatz von Maschinenpistolen und Panzern beendet werden. Etwa 120 Demonstranten wurden getötet.

  4. 18. März 2022 · Der 60. Jahrestag des Waffenstillstands zwischen Frankreich und Algerien fällt mitten in den französischen Präsidentschaftswahlkampf – und verleiht dem ohnehin kontroversen Thema zusätzliche...

  5. 25. Juni 2021 · French President Charles de Gaulle during a 1960 trip to Algeria. De Gaulle, a World War II hero, was forcefully restored to power in France during the French-Algerian War to lead the country through the crisis.

  6. Am 22. April 1961 erhoben sich in Algier französische Generäle gegen die Regierung von Staatspräsident Charles de Gaulle. Ihr Ziel: die sich abzeichnende Unabhängigkeit der nordafrikanischen...