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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Alexander Newley (born 8 September 1965), also known as Sacha Newley, is a British contemporary artist, portraitist, writer and teacher known for his portrait paintings, including Gore Vidal and Billy Wilder.

  2. Das Paar war bis 1971 verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder, die Sängerin Tara Newley und Schauspieler Alexander „SachaNewley. Anthony Newleys dritte Ehefrau war bis 1989 die ehemalige Stewardess Dareth Dunn. Auch mit ihr hatte er zwei Kinder, Christopher und Shelby.

  3. 27. Nov. 2017 · Der Sohn von "Denver Clan "-Star Joan Collins und Komponist & Filmemacher Anthony Newley behauptet, sein Vater sei ein Pädophiler gewesen. Von 1963 bis 1970 war Collins mit dem Briten...

  4. 21. Juni 2024 · Aber auch Alexander Newley, der Sohn von Leinwandlegende Joan Collins und Schauspieler und Sänger George Anthony Newley, der bereits seit einiger Zeit in Wien lebt, schaute vorbei.

  5. ALEXANDER NEWLEY is a leading contemporary portrait artist on both sides of the Atlantic, known for his iconic depictions of major figures including Gore Vidal, Billy Wilder, Christopher Reeve, Oliver Stone and Steven Berkoff.

  6. The couple had two children, Tara Newley and Alexander (Sacha) Newley. Tara became a broadcaster in Britain and Sacha is a portrait artist based in New York City. His third marriage was to former air hostess Dareth Newly Dunn (née Rich) (1971–1989), with whom he also had a daughter and son, Shelby and Christopher. [3]

  7. 9. Apr. 2015 · Alexander Newley is an exceptional painter, renowned and very popular in the USA and UK for his beautiful landscapes and, primarily, stunning portraits, including ones by many celebrated figures such as Gore Vidal, Oliver Stone, Billy Wilder, John Barry and Christopher Reeve.