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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Bubba Smith; eigentlich Charles Aaron Smith (* 28. Februar 1945 in Orange, Texas; † 3. August 2011 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien [1]) war ein US-amerikanischer American-Football -Spieler und Schauspieler.

  2. › wiki › Bubba_SmithBubba Smith - Wikipedia

    Charles Aaron "Bubba" Smith (February 28, 1945 – August 3, 2011) was an American professional football defensive end and actor. Smith played in the National Football League (NFL) for the Baltimore Colts, Oakland Raiders, and Houston Oilers.

  3. 3. Nov. 2011 · Das Rätsel um die Todesursache von "Police Academy"-Schauspieler Bubba Smith scheint gelöst: Wie die amerikanische Website "" berichtet, soll der 66-Jährige an einer Überdosis...

  4. 3. Aug. 2011 · NFL player-turned-actor Bubba Smith dies at 66 in Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES -- Former NFL defensive star Bubba Smith, who found a successful second career as an actor, died Wednesday at age 66....

  5. 25. Feb. 2016 · Bubba Smith, der in der Kino-ActionseriePolice Academy“ als tölpelhafter Polizist zu sehen war, ist tot. Seine Leiche wurde am Mittwoch in seinem Haus in Los Angeles gefunden,...

  6. 4. Aug. 2011 · Bubba Smith, der in der Kino-Actionserie „Police Academy“ als tölpeliger Polizist zu sehen war, ist tot. Seine Leiche wurde am Mittwoch in seinem Haus in Los Angeles gefunden, berichtete die ...

  7. › name › nm0807571Bubba Smith - IMDb

    Bubba Smith. Actor: Police Academy. The athletically gifted 6' 7" Charles Aaron "Bubba" Smith played defensive end / defensive tackle for the National Football League's Baltimore Colts (1967-1971), Oakland Raiders (1973-1974), and Houston Oilers (1975-1976).

  8. Bubba Smith. Actor: Police Academy. The athletically gifted 6' 7" Charles Aaron "Bubba" Smith played defensive end / defensive tackle for the National Football League's Baltimore Colts (1967-1971), Oakland Raiders (1973-1974), and Houston Oilers (1975-1976).

  9. 4. Aug. 2011 · Bubba Smith, an outsize presence in the National Football League who went on to a prolific career in television and the movies, was found dead on Wednesday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 66.

  10. 4. Aug. 2011 · Former NFL star Bubba Smith, who went from feared defensive end on the field to endearing giant in his successful second career as an actor, died Wednesday. He was 66.

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