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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Der 400. Todestag Caravaggios ist Anlass, diese beiden Werke gemeinsam zu präsentieren. Dank der Leihgabe der Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg sind beide Bilder in der Gemäldegalerie zu bestaunen.

  2. › museum › 3108660-2926344-gemaeldegalerieGemäldegalerie –

    Über 1.000 Werke aus allen kunsthistorischen Epochen vom 12. bis 18. Jahrhundert zeigt die Gemäldegalerie in 72 Räumen. Die Ausstellung zeigt die Bestände chronologisch nach Epochen, Kunstlandschaften und Schulen. Besucher können sich auf dem knapp zwei Kilometer langen Rundweg auf die Spuren der europäischen Meister begeben.

    • Matthäikirchplatz, Berlin, 10785
    • 030 266424242
  3. Support of Gemäldegalerie and Skulpturensammlung. The Gemäldegalerie boasts one of the world’s most important collections of European painting ranging from the 13th to 18th century.

  4. Die Gemäldegalerie verdankt ihren Weltrang dem kontinuierlichen Überblick über die europäische Malerei vom 13. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert.

    • Italian Paintings in The Gemäldegalerie in Berlin
    • Italian Renaissance Highlights in The Gemäldegalerie Berlin
    • Carlo Crivelli
    • Sandro Botticelli
    • Raphael
    • Titian
    • Caravaggio’s Amor Triumphant — Top Painting in The Gemäldegalerie
    • Cecco Del Caravaggio
    • Canaletto Giovanni Antonio Canal
    • Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

    The Gemäldegalerie’s collection of Italian paintings is of the same high standard as the German and Dutch art. The early Italian paintings from the 13th to 16th centuries form the largest section of the collection and the works exhibited give an excellent overview of the development of Italian painting from the early Renaissance. The collection of ...

    All major Italian painters of the Renaissance is represented amongst others Taddeo Gaddi, Masaccio, Fra Filippo Lippi, Filippo Lippi, Giovanni Bellini, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Andrea Mantegna, Antonello da Messina, and Andrea del Verrocchio. A few standout artists and works in this section include:

    Thronende Maria mit dem Kind, die Schlüsselübergabe an den Apostel Petrus und mit den Heiligen Johannes Capistranus, Emidius, Franziskus, Ludwig von Toulouse, dem seligen Giacomo della Marca und einem Bischof / Enthroned Mary with Child and Handing of the Keys to Peter(etc), (1488) by Carlo Crivelli has almost as much detail in the patterns of the ...

    Certainly not as famous as his works in the Uffizi, the Sandro Botticelli paintings in the Gemäldegalerie are still of exquisite quality. The altar panel Madonna with the Saints(1485) has a typical Fra Angelico subject of an enthroned Madonna with two saints but the architectural elements were removed with the baldachin formed by palm trees. It is ...

    The Gemäldegalerie has five paintings of the Madonna by Raphael (Raffael in German), including the round Terranuova Madonna(1505).

    The Gemäldegalerie has a notable self-portrait by Titian (Tizian in German) but more interesting is his Venus mit dem Orgelspieler / Venus with the Organ Player(1550). Venus is in the fairly standard position of lying naked (with cupid at her head) but the organist at her feet, pipe organ and all, is less common (although Titian painted various ver...

    Possibly the most famous and most popular painting in the museum is the scandalous Caravaggio painting of Amor: Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi), “Omnia vincit amor” / Amor als Sieger / Amor Triumphant (1601-2), aka as Love Conquers All, Amor Victorious, Victorious Cupid, Love Triumphant, Love Victorious, or Earthly Love) Following Virgil — “Omnia ...

    Cecco del Caravaggio (possibly Francesco Boneri), who many assumed was the model for Caravaggio’s Amor, painted Christus vertreibt die Wechsler aus dem Tempel / Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple(1610-15).

    The Gemäldegalerie exhibits several large paintings of Venice by Giovanni Antonio Canal, aka Canaletto. These paintings are worth a close-up look as there is almost photographic detail in some minor scenes such as gondolas in Canal Grande (1758/63) and market traders in Campo di Rialto(1758/63).

    Nearby, in stark contrast is the rather grim Das Martyrium der Heiligen Agathe / The Martyrdom of St Agatha(1755) by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Where many artists portrayed the saving of St Agathe from prison, Tiepolo preferred to depict her martyrdom where both her breasts were sliced off. Further European art from the 17th and 18th centuries foll...

  5. Amor als Sieger ist ein Gemälde des italienischen Barockmalers Caravaggio. Das 156 × 113 cm messende Ölbild auf Leinwand entstand 1602 und befindet sich seit 1815 in der Gemäldegalerie der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Ein lateinischer Alternativtitel ist Amor vincit omnia.

  6. The Gemäldegalerie (German pronunciation: [ɡəˈmɛːldəɡaləˌʁiː], Painting Gallery) is an art museum in Berlin, Germany, and the museum where the main selection of paintings belonging to the Berlin State Museums (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) is displayed. It was first opened in 1830, and the current building was completed in ...