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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Tiffany Ellsworth Thayer (March 1, 1902 – August 23, 1959) was an American actor, writer, and one of the founding members of the Fortean Society.

  2. Call Her Savage is a 1932 pre-Code drama film directed by John Francis Dillon and starring Clara Bow. [1] The film was Bow's second-to-last film role. It is also one of the first portrayals of homosexuals on screen, including a scene in a gay bar.

  3. Founding members of the Fortean Society included Tiffany Thayer, Booth Tarkington, Ben Hecht, Alexander Woollcott, and many of New York's literati such as Dorothy Parker. Other members included Vincent Gaddis, Ivan T. Sanderson, A. Merritt, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Buckminster Fuller.

  4. Call Her Savage. Call Her Savage ist ein amerikanisches Filmdrama mit Clara Bow unter der Regie von John Francis Dillon aus dem Jahr 1932. Der Film ist mit seiner für die damalige Zeit offenen Darstellung von Sex und Gewalt ein typisches Beispiel für den laxen Umgang mit den geltenden Zensurvorschriften vor Inkrafttreten des Production Code.

  5. Thirteen Women ist ein Kriminalfilm aus dem Jahr 1932, der Elemente aus dem Horrorgenre aufnimmt. In seiner Schilderung von systematischen Morden an einer Gruppe von jungen Frauen nimmt der Film einige Motive der Slasherfilme späterer Jahrzehnte vorweg.

  6. (1902-1959) US actor and author, prolific and once immensely popular – his first novel, the courtroom drama Thirteen Men ( 1930 ), was reprinted forty times in twenty years; he also wrote as by O B King.

  7. Fortean Society. Founded by author Tiffany Thayer to honor Charles Fort, chronicler of the unexplained, promote the study of his books, preserve his notes and papers, and continue the work of collecting "Fortean data."