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  1. Zur mobilen Version wechseln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'greetings' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

  2. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "herzliche Grüße" – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen.

  3. to exchange greetings. sich Akk [ gegenseitig] begrüßen. warm greetings to you all. herzliche Grüße an euch alle. greetings were passed between them. sie begrüßten sich. to exchange addresses /greetings/ opinions. Adressen / Grüße / Meinungen austauschen. Mehr anzeigen.

  4. greetings [at beginning of conference etc.] Grußworte {pl} [zu Konferenzbeginn etc.] greetings {pl} Gruß {m} Greetings (from sb.) Viele Grüße <VG> (von jdm.) to exchange greetings Grußworte tauschen to return sb.'s greetings jds. Grüße erwidern birthday greetings Geburtstagsglückwünsche {pl} carnival greetings [special greetings among ...

  5. Practice German greetings. Place your cursor over an expression and hear it pronounced aloud.

  6. Greetings, saying goodbye and basic phrases to start speaking German. 1 Saying hello. 2 Saying our name. 3 Asking what another person’s name is. 4 Saying what our profession is. 5 Asking what another person’s profession is. 6 Saying Your Age. 7 Asking how old someone is. 8 Saying where you are from.

  7. 11. Jan. 2024 · Practicing German greetings and farewells. The greetings and farewells we’ve explored are some of the most important German words and phrases for beginners. Try to listen for them in real German-language media, so you can get a better understanding of how they’re used by native speakers.

  8. Greetings in German. Formal: Guten Tag. This is the most important formal greeting in German. You can use it throughout the day. Depending on the time of day, you can also use: Guten Morgen – until about 11 a.m. Guten Abend – as of about 6 p.m. When you greet another person, you offer your hand for a handshake and look them in the eye in a ...

  9. Greetings in German. What are the people saying? Watch the video clips once more and select the correct dialogue sections, each has two correct sections. Script. AUDIOKURS: Frau: Guten Morgen, Herr Müller, wie geht es Ihnen? Mann: Guten Morgen, Frau Schn ...

  10. Greetings and farewells are an essential part of social interaction. They form a basis for conversation and can help you make new friends. Greetings can be formal or informal, depending on whom we greet or greet. Now that you know all the 33 German greetings above, it’s time to go out and meet new German speakers! The more you practice ...

  11. 10. Nov. 2023 · The time-of-day greetings can all be shortened by dropping the Guten from the phrase. So, to greet someone, you can also simply say: Morgen! Tag! Abend! German informal and slang greetings. Roll up your sleeves if you like to impress your friends with vernacular, because there are lots of ways to say hello casually in German.

  12. 4. Nov. 2019 · Formal and Informal German Greetings. Greetings - Sei (d) Gegrüßt! - The Words. The following is an overview of essential German greetings (=Grüße) you need to know when encountering a German speaker. Though the casual way of addressing someone in German is included, these sayings should be reserved only for close friends and family.

  13. 3. Apr. 2023 · Formal greetings show respect to whomever you’re speaking to, especially in cultures that expect young people to use formal greetings with their elders. While informal greetings are fine among people who know each other (friends and family), you may want to use a formal greeting if you’re at a serious event such as a religious service, giving a presentation, or talking to an official.

  14. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "greetings from" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

  15. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "greetings from Germany" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

  16. Learn English Basics - English Greetings, how to meet and greet people, and introduce yourself and others.

  17. 2. Apr. 2024 · Discover 50+ English greetings that will make you sound like a pro and have better conversations with native speakers. Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Salaam, Guten tag, Hello, Здравстуйте! It’s the first word you learn in any new language, the basic sign of welcome that shows your intent to talk to someone. Most likely, you learned the ...

  18. 31. Jan. 2019 · Examples of informal greetings include “Hello,” “Hi,” and “Hey.”. These greetings are commonly used among friends and family, and they convey a more laid-back tone. It is important to note that the appropriate greeting depends on the situation and the relationship between the speaker and the listener. Related.

  19. 18. Juni 2024 · Good morning /afternoon/evening/day – These formal greetings are used as a replacement for the word ‘hello’ and are often used in a formal setting depending on the time of day. Usually, before 12 pm, you say ‘good morning,’ after 12 pm you say ‘ good afternoon ‘ and from around 6 pm you say ‘good evening.’. You can use the ...

  20. 7. Dez. 2022 · English Greetings for Informal Situations. Let’s start with casual greetings to use most of the time, whether you’re greeting a friend, a coworker on the elevator, a neighbor you’ve never spoken to, or a complete stranger on an early morning walk. Because I’m an American and I currently live in the U.S., I’ll focus on greetings used ...

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