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  1. Flexibles Fernstudium, anerkannte Abschlüsse & persönliche Beratung. Jetzt starten! Branchennah & praxisorientiert. Wir verbinden Fachwissen & Management Know-how.

  2. Dig through our full list of 2024 master's degree scholarships and find the best for you. Fund your education with master's scholarships in your area or across the US.


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The Pre-Master Year is devoted to gaining insight into the fundamentals of management, including introductory and advanced concepts to foster an understanding of the world of business. There are also courses in social sciences, law, economics and foreign languages.

  2. Bei uns findest du die optimale Lösung: Mit unserem PreMaster Programm bringen wir dich mit Praxis zum Mastertitel. Das heißt: du lernst bei uns on the Job kennen, was du später im Studium theoretisch vertiefst – fachliche Beratung und finanzielle Unterstützung inklusive.

  3. Der PreMaster an der Karls ist ein zweisemestriger Teilzeit-Vorbereitungskurs auf Englisch, der jedes Wintersemester angeboten wird. Im PreMaster erschließt du dir in verschiedenen Modulen die relevanten Grundlagen in den Bereichen Business Management, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten und anderen Themenfeldern, die du ...

  4. Mit dem Pre-Master bereiten wir Nicht-BWLer*innen in drei Monaten auf ein BWL-Masterprogramm an der MBS vor, d.h. du studierst nicht-konsekutiv. Dabei ist es vollkommen egal, ob du zuvor deinen Bachelorabschluss in Psychologie, Informatik, Jura oder Ingenieurswissenschaften gemacht hast.

    • Career Changers Moving Ahead
    • One Programme – Many Possibilities
    • Your Options as A Career Changer

    Economic correlations and the knowledge of tasks and processes in companies are usually studied in an undergraduate economics degree. Apart from classically trained business professionals, graduates of the naturals sciences or humanities also need to deepen their business knowledge in order to advance in their respective fields. The CBS Internation...

    Depending on the level of your previous professional skills, it will be assessed individually whether you need to acquire basic business administration knowledge for one or two semesters before starting a Master’s programme. Depending on the language the Master's programme is taught in, the course contents can be completed either in German or Engli...

    Option 1:

    Entry into a Master’s programme without any prior economic knowledge: usually two semesters in the German- or English- taught Bachelor programme; start: winter semester (September)

    Option 2:

    Entry into a Master’s programme with existing basic economic knowledge: usually one semester in the German- or English- taught Bachelor programme; start: summer (February) or winter semester (September)

    Option 3:

    Entry in an English or German taught Master’s programme with existing basic economic knowledge or entry in the German taught General Management without any prior business knowledge: Pre-semester as a digital intensive summer course (Crash Courses@CBS). English programme: May – July; German: May – August. If you already have work experience you can also apply to our MBA programme.

  5. It is a highly intensive preparatory course, covering the fundamentals of business and economics in a very short period. This includes content relating to management, finance, accounting, marketing and communications. Our Pre-Master’s program runs from May to August each year.

  6. Prepare for your master's with a pre-masters program ️ Starts in Spring each year ️100% in English.