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  1. 17. Juni 2020 · An 5 von 7 Tagen die Woche trainiert Jason Statham seinen Körper. Dabei muss festgehalten werden, dass es sich dabei nicht um ein simples Anfänger-Training handelt, sondern eher etwas für Fortgeschrittene ist. Zudem ist sein Trainingsplan dank Regel 2 sehr flexibel und individuell.

  2. 22. Juni 2021 · Was "Hobbs & Shaw"-Star Jason Statham tut, um stählerne Muskeln zu bekommen? Wir verraten seine Fitness- und Ernährungstipps.

  3. 24. Feb. 2024 · How does Jason Statham stay so fit? Jason Statham’s workout routine features a mixture of weights, cardio and bodyweight exercises. In addition to his training, the actor also incorporated a nutritious diet filled with lean meats and leafy vegetables.

    • Male
    • Staff Writer
    • Day 1: Progression to His Deadlift One-Rep Max
    • Day 1
    • Jason's Deadlift Workout
    • Day 2
    • Day 3
    • Day 4
    • Day 5
    • Day 6
    • Day 7

    The objective of this workout is to build pure strength in one of the most effective total-body lifts: the deadlift. To accomplish this, Statham works his way up to his one-repetition maximum (1RM) of the heaviest weight he can lift one time. Before he begins, though, he completes a two-part warm-up session. Warm-up: Rowing. For this, Statham compl...

    The first day of Statham's workout plan involves just one exercise. Statham starts with a light weight of about 35 per cent of the amount of his 1RM and then slowly starts adding weight and reducing repetitions. As the weight becomes closer to his 1RM, which, for Statham, is more than twice his bodyweight, his rest between sets increases to 3 minut...

    Reps: 10 Weight: 135 pounds Rest: 1 minute Reps: 5 Weight: 185 pounds Rest: 2 minutes Reps: 3 Weight: 235 pounds Rest: 3 minutes Reps: 2 Weight: 285 pounds Rest: 3 minutes Reps: 1 Weight: 325 pounds Rest: 3 minutes Reps: 1 Weight: 340 pounds Rest: 3 minutes Reps: 1 Weight: 350 pounds Rest: 3 minutes Reps: 1 Weight: 360 pounds Rest: 3 minutes Reps: ...

    Functional Circuit This workout is designed to be a metabolically demanding, training the entire body with exercises that work multiple muscle groups. Warm-up (Part 1): Rowing. Just as in Day 1, Jason completes 10 minutes on the rowing machine at a pace that's less than 20 strokes per minute (SPM). Warm-up (Part 2):Static Hold Circuit. Do the next ...

    Interval Work This session is performed on a Concept 2 rower. Warm-up: Rowing. Jason completes 10 minutes on the rowing machine at a pace that's less than 20 strokes per minute (SPM). Workout To mimic Jason's interval workout, you'll do six intervals of 500 metres. Between each 500 metre sprint, engage in active rest for 3 minutes. For this, you ca...

    Set Work Here, Jason focuses on front squats, one of the best strengthening and total body conditioning exercises in existence. Warm-up (Part 1): Rowing. Just as in Day 1, Jason completes 10 minutes on the rowing machine and at a pace that's less than 20 strokes per minute (SPM). (Jason's distance: 2095 metres). Warm-up (Part 2): Jason does 20 repe...

    Cumulative Movements This workout is designed to be a metabolically demanding, training the entire body with exercises that work multiple muscle groups. The Cumulative Movement workout consists of only one trip through as opposed to a circuit workout in which you repeatedly cycle back through the same movements. Warm-up (Part 1): Rowing. Just as in...

    Contextual Effort This can be any activity or sport that you enjoy doing. If this is of significant duration and intensity it should be considered as part of your training. In Jason's case the goal was to get outside and maintain an activity nonstop for over an hour to build some endurance (training the aerobic energy pathway). Workout 1 hour plus ...

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  4. 28. März 2017 · Das Jason Statham Workout. Schulter Frontheben mit der Langhantel – 20 Wiederholungen mit moderatem Gewicht; Liegestützen mit Kurzhanteln – 20 Wiederholungen mit moderatem Gewicht; Farmers Walk – Nimm dir dazu die schwersten Hanteln die du im Studio findest und laufe so schnell es geht eine von dir vorgegebene Strecke. Dabei ...

  5. 2. Aug. 2021 · Jason Statham's Bauchmuskeltraining: Der Schauspieler absolviert ein von Personal Trainer Logan Hood entwickeltes , das gleichzeitig isometrische Griffe und funktionelle Übungen umfasst,...

  6. 23. Mai 2013 · Mit den Aufzeichnungen behält Jason Statham den Überblick über sein Training. 5 exemplarische Musterpläne von Jason zeigen wir euch hier: Workout Nr. 1 (Montag) 10 Minuten Rudern an der Rudermaschine. Kniebeugen mit Langhantel: 1 Satz, 5 Wiederholungen. Seil-Klettern: 1 Satz, 5 Wiederholungen.