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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Joachim Louis Napoléon Murat, 8th Prince Murat (born 26 November 1944) is a member of the Bonaparte - Murat family and the current head of the Murat family. He is an important figure in the Napoleonic circles and is very much involved in the commemoration of the Imperial memory. A long time collector of art, he was also the owner and founder of the Museum and Center of Contemporary Art Prince ...

  2. I. Einleitung. Im Folgenden soll die Bedeutung des Königtums Joachim Murats in Neapel von 1808 bis 1815 erörtert werden. Hierbei muss das gesamte sogenannte französische Jahrzehnt mit einbezogen werden, das mit der Eroberung Neapels durch Napoleon und der Einsetzung von Joseph Bonaparte als König beginnt, wobei die vorherige ...

  3. Joachim Murat was born March 25, 1767 in the village of La Bastide-Fortunière in Gascony. He was the 11th and last child of innkeepers Pierre and Jeanne Murat. Through the influence of Talleyrand’s family, young Joachim was sent to a seminary. However, the “Abbé Murat” loved horses and since childhood he could ride like a young Bedouin. When a regiment of chasseurs appeared at Toulouse ...

  4. Joachim Murat (în italiană Gioacchino Murat; n. 25 martie 1767, Labastide-Murat – d. 13 octombrie 1815, Pizzo) a fost mare duce de Clèves și Berg, mareșal al Imperiului Francez și rege al Regatului celor Două Sicilii din 1808 la 1815.

  5. Joachim Murat, (born March 25, 1767, La Bastide-Fortunière, France—died Oct. 13, 1815, Pizzo, Calabria), French soldier and king of Naples (1808–15). He served in Italy and Egypt as a daring cavalry commander, and later he aided Napoleon in his coup d’état (1799) and married Napoleon’s sister Caroline Bonaparte.

  6. The son of an innkeeper, Joachim Murat would one day go on to become a cavalry general, a king, and Napoleon's brother-in-law. But his family never envisioned such lofty goals and instead intended for him to become a priest, securing a scholarship for him to attend the seminary at Cahors. After studying at Cahors, Joachim Murat was sent to Toulouse to further his study in theology, where in ...

  7. Nach der Ausbildung auf dem Collège von Cahors trat J. 1787 in die Kavallerie ein und wurde 1792 zum Offizier befördert. Am 13. Vendémiaire (5.10.1795) half er Bonaparte, den Konvent zu verteidigen. Unter Bonaparte zeichnete sich J. in Italien, Ägypten und Syrien aus (1799 Divisionsgeneral) und wirkte bei dessen Staatsstreich am 18. Brumaire (9.11.1799) mit. Nach Erfolgen in Italien 1801 ...