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  1. 22. Mai 2019 · The geography of Laurel Canyon itself is what helped it feel like an artist colony. As Slater explains, the houses being in close proximity to one other made it easy for artists to collaborate.

  2. Los Angeles Examiner, Feb. 6, 1909: "That Laurel Canyon is fast growing in popularity as a year-around resort is shown in the great increase in the number of visitors which frequent it every day. From early in the morning until after sunset, numerous tourists and local people may be seen along the canyon road either going to Lookout Mountain or returning from a trip to the famous view-point."

  3. 7. Juni 2020 · Laurel Canyon: einzigartiger Ort des musikalischen Austauschs. In der an diesem 8. Juni auf Streaming-Plattformen in Deutschland erscheinenden Doku "Echo in the Canyon" begibt sich Jakob Dylan auf ...

  4. 4. Sept. 2020 · Laurel Canyon briefly recalls the 1965 Watts Riots but, disappointingly, does not address the predominant whiteness of the canyon scene nor the profound segregation of the city above which it hovered.

  5. Laurel Canyon -- die Wiege des California Sound feiert die Explosion der Unterhaltungsmusik, die Mitte der 60er vom Laurel Canyon in L. A. ausging, als Folkmusic elektrisch wurde und The Byrds, The Beach Boys, Buffalo Springfield und The Mamas and the Papas der Welt den California Sound brachten. Es war die Zeit, 1965 bis 1967, in der Bands nach L. A. kamen, um den Beatles nachzueifern, und ...

  6. 2. Sept. 2021 · Laurel Canyon is a woody neighbourhood in the Hollywood Hills. Through its centre runs Laurel Canyon Boulevard, connecting the region to the more urban parts of Los Angeles to the north and south. With its dirt roads and hill-top views; traditional timber houses - large-windowed and spacious; green leafy gardens, fragrant with eucalyptus, it ...

  7. 7. Juni 2020 · Im Laurel Canyon bei L.A. entstand der legendäre Sound der Westküste, von den Beach Boys und den Byrds zu Buffalo Springfield und The Mamas and the Papas.