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  1. Тайна мироздания. « Mysterium Cosmographicum » [1] (с лат. — «Тайна мироздания») — книга немецкого астронома Иоганна Кеплера, изданная в 1596 году в Тюбингене (второе издание — 1621 год). Эта книга — первый ...

  2. Mysterium Cosmographicum - Keplers Weltgeheimnis als Bausatz. 14,90 € *. inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten. Lieferbar, Lieferzeit ca. 1 - 3 Werktage**. Bestellen Sie innerhalb der nächsten 2 Tage 21 Stunden und 51 Minuten damit die Bestellung am Montag verschickt wird. In den Warenkorb.

  3. In seinem Buch »Mysterium Cosmographicum«, dem »Weltgeheimnis«, entwickelte er 1596 ein Modell unseres Sonnensystems, mittels der fünf Platonischen Körper (siehe unten). Für ihn nun befand sich nicht mehr die Erde im Zentrum der Welt, wie fast eineinhalb Jahrtausende vor ihm Ptolemäus glaubte, sondern bildete die Sonne den Mittelpunkt ...

  4. Mysterium Cosmographicum Kepler's sketch shows an ordering of the five planetary orbits in terms of the nesting of the five regular solids. Published on July 19, 1596, Johannes Kepler's first major astronomical work, " Mysterium Cosmographicum (The Cosmographic Mystery), " was the first published defense of the Copernican system.

  5. In the preface to his first book, the Mysterium Cosmographicum of 1596, 1 Kepler summarized the early investigations leading to that book with admirable precision: “above all there were three things of which I diligently sought the reasons why they were so, and not otherwise: the number, size, and motion of the spheres.” 2 These were novel questions, and indeed the Mysterium was a little ...

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    Link ☛ Gesammelte Werke. Mysterium cosmographicum · PDF · 51 MB (Lizenz: CC BY); Zitierformate Barer Text als Datei Kepler, Johannes; Hammer, Franz [Hg./Red ...

  7. Mysterium Cosmographicum (em português: O mistério sagrado do Cosmos) é um livro de astronomia do astrônomo alemão Johannes Kepler, publicado em Tübingen em 1597 e em uma segunda edição em 1621. Kepler propôs que as relações de distância entre os seis planetas conhecidos naquela época poderiam ser entendidas em termos dos cinco sólidos platônicos, encerrados em uma esfera que ...