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  1. Conrad Veidt. “It is precisely as if I am possessed by some other spirit when I enter on a new task of acting, as though something within me presses a switch and my own consciousness merges into some other, greater, more vital being.”.

  2. › archiv_text › nost_film20b40Conrad Veidt -

    Conrad Veidt wurde am 22. Januar 1893 als Hans Walter Conrad Veidt, Sohn des Kanzleisekretärs Philipp Heinrich Veidt (1859 – 1917) und dessen Ehefrau Amalie Maria (1866 – 1922), in Berlin geboren. Er wuchs in kleinbürgerlichen, geordneten Verhältnissen auf, besuchte das Hohenzollerngymnasium in

  3. 17. Nov. 2023 · Conrad Veidt was born January 22, 1893 in Berlin, Germany. For a brief time, he hoped to become a surgeon, in honor of a surgeon who helped his father when they were unable to afford surgery, but unfortunately his grades weren’t that of a budding surgeon, and his plan changed after performing in a school Christmas play in which he was the standout.

  4. Conrad Veidt. When Conrad and Lilli Veidt sailed to America from England in April 1940, they never could have foreseen or imagined how and why they would return to London in April 1998 — 58 years later, almost to the day. Their repatriation would occur exactly 55 years after Conrad’s death, and some 18 years after Lilli’s.

  5. 7. Okt. 2019 · Conrad Veidt and the Joker. The inspiration for the Joker's appearance was the character of Gwynplaine in The Man Who Laughs, a 1928 silent film directed by German filmmaker Paul Leni and based on ...

  6. Born Walter Hans Conrad Veidt on Jan. 22, 1893 in Berlin, Germany, he was the son of working class parents Amalie and Phillip, the latter a civil servant. As an adolescent, Conrad attended Hollenzollern secondary school and began harboring dreams of an actor's life while attending performances at the famed Deutches Theater in Berlin. It was there he began studying acting under the legendary ...

  7. 1913 stand Conrad Veidt erstmals auf der Bühne des Deutschen Theaters in Berlin, wo er in den kommenden Jahren in zahlreichen Inszenierungen Max Reinhardts zu sehen war. 1916 begann seine Stummfilmkarriere, die mit der Rolle des Cesare in Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920) einen ersten Höhepunkt erreichte. Veidt verkörperte in der Folgezeit vor allem exotische und dämonische Figuren und ...