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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 7. März 2019 · Martha McSally diente 26 Jahre lang bei der US Air Force, sie war die erste Frau, die einen Kampfeinsatz flog. Inzwischen ist sie Mitglied des US-Senats - und erhebt nun schwere Vorwürfe gegen ...

  2. About Martha McSally About Martha McSally Martha is an inspiring example of what’s possible if you never, ever, ever give up.Her keynotes provide leaders and teams with a proven model to use in their business and life.She gives audiences the courage to be honest about who they are, the path to break free from their

  3. 13. Nov. 2018 · PHOENIX — Republican Rep. Martha McSally has conceded Arizona's Senate race to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. McSally made the announcement in a video posted to Twitter.She said: "I just called ...

  4. If you are a survivor of sexual assault, RAINN offers support through the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE & Former U.S. Sen. Martha McSally said she was sexually ...

  5. 9. Nov. 2023 · Former senator Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) said she was sexually assaulted during a run alongside the Missouri River near the border of Iowa and Nebraska. In a video shared on social media on ...

  6. So, I’ve set some identity-based goals for 2024, and you won’t believe how simple they are! Under “physical health,” I wrote, “I am physically healthy: I take care of my impermanent vessel.”. And that’s it! Then I craft habits and routines to support the identity, but that’s the essence of it. I defined my identity.

  7. 1. Okt. 2020 · In recent days, Ms. McSally has warned that Democrats will try to expand the court to compensate for Mr. Trump’s three appointments, as part of her larger argument that her campaign is part of a ...