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  1. › referenceworkentry › 10Arminianism | SpringerLink

    1. Jan. 2020 · Jacobus Arminius (1559–1609) was a reformed Dutch theologian who studied under Theodore Beza in Geneva. His disagreements with the Calvinists began when he was serving as a pastor in Amsterdam. His refusal (in 1591) to defend the Calvinist doctrine of predestination was the beginning of a division that would continue for centuries. When the plague struck Amsterdam in 1601, Arminius was ...

  2. Jacobus Arminius (10 Oktober 1560 – 19 Oktober 1609), nama latin dari teolog Belanda Jakob Harmenszoon dari periode Reformasi Protestan, (juga dikenal dengan nama Jakob Arminius atau James Arminius), menjabat sebagai profesor teologia di Universitas Leiden dari 1603.

  3. 3. Juli 2019 · After studying under John Calvin's son-in-law in Geneva, Jacobus Arminius started out as a strict Calvinist. Later, as a pastor in Amsterdam and professor at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, Arminius' studies in the book of Romans led to doubts and rejection of many Calvinistic doctrines.

  4. Jacobus Arminius (aka Jacob Arminius, James Arminius, and his Dutch name Jacob Harmenszoon) was a Dutch theologian, best known as the founder of the anti-Calvinistic school in Reformed Protestant theology, thereby lending his name to a movement which resisted some of the tenets of Calvinism - Arminianism.

  5. Jacobus Arminius (aka Jacob Arminius, James Arminius, and his Dutch name Jacob Harmenszoon) was a Dutch theologian, best known as the founder of the anti-Calvinistic school in Reformed Protestant theology, thereby lending his name to a movement which resisted some of the tenets of Calvinism - Arminianism.

  6. 4. Jan. 2022 · The Synod of Dort came down decisively on the side of Calvinism. Ever since that time, the theology of Jacobus Arminius has been polarized against Calvinist theology. Jacobus Arminius was a pastor in Amsterdam and had a good reputation among his parishioners as a compassionate man and a gifted preacher. But his teachings sparked a controversy ...

  7. Jacob Herman, genannt Jacobus Arminius, der Begründer des Arminianismus. Arminianismus ist eine gemäßigte Richtung des reformierten Protestantismus, deren Anhänger auch als Remonstranten bezeichnet werden.