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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Bruno Hildebrand, 1812-1878. German Historicist of the "older" school. Bruno Hildebrand was trained in history in the University of Breslau. He moved on to a teaching position at the University of Marburg, where he crossed paths with younger historicist, Karl Knies . In 1848, Hildebrand published his famous radical methodological treatise.

  2. Prof. i.R. Dr. Bruno Hildenbrand. Genogrammarbeit. Die Form von Genogrammarbeit, wie ich sie entwickelt habe, verzichtet auf alle Verführungen der Nacherzählung und gewinnt ihre methodische Stringenz durch die Übernahme des sequenzanalytischen Verfahrens sensu Ulrich Oevermann. Für Details vgl.

  3. Bruno Hildebrand (6 March 1812 – 29 January 1878) was a German economist representing the "older" historical school of economics. His economic thinking was highly critical of classical economists, especially of David Ricardo. His magnum opus was Economics of the Present and the Future (1848). The basic aim of this work was to establish laws of economic development. Hildebrand also stated ...

  4. Other articles where Bruno Hildebrand is discussed: historical school of economics: …earlier school included Wilhelm Roscher, Bruno Hildebrand, and Karl Knies, whose works developed the idea of a historical method. They held that the merits of economic policies depended on place and time but that by studying various societies it would be possible to specify certain general stages of ...

  5. Bruno Hildebrand (1812–1878), economist and one of the founders of the German historical school, was born in Naumburg (Thuringia), the son of a civil servant. He entered the University of Leipzig as a student of theology but soon shifted to history. He very early joined the liberal-nationalist student movement, and since this affiliation made ...

  6. Bruno Hildenbrand, Klinische Soziologie – ein Ansatz für absurde Helden und Helden des Absurden, Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2018, hervorgegangen aus einem Studienbrief für die Fernuniversität Hagen. Arbeitsfelder meines Ansatzes für klinische Soziologie waren (in dieser Reihenfolge) Psychiatrie, Landwirtschaft, Kinder- und Jugendhilfe.

  7. Bruno Hildenbrand ist seit 1994 Professor für Sozialisationstheorie und Mikrosoziologie am Institut für Soziologie der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena sowie seit 1988 Dozent und Supervisor am Ausbildungsinstitut für systemische Therapie und Beratung in Meilen/Zürich. Autor des Buches „Einführung in die Genogrammarbeit“; gemeinsam mit Rosmarie Welter-Enderlin Herausgeber der ...