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  1. Ariánství. První nikajský koncil, který odsoudil ariánské učení. Ariánství či arianismus je křesťanské teologické christologické učení nazvané podle alexandrijského kněze Areia ( latinsky Arius, cca 260 – 336 ). Ariánské učení hlásá, že Ježíš Kristus je Boží syn, ale nebyl zde jako Bůh Otec od počátku, byl ...

  2. The controversy began as a local matter. However, the fury of the Arian controversy, as it has become known, was to dominate imperial, ecclesiastical and civic policies for more than 200 years. As we shall see, it resulted in the first two ecumenical councils of the church, the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. and the council of Constantinople in ...

  3. 17. Apr. 2023 · Arianism was one of the main topics at the Council of Nicaea. The council sought to clearly define the Trinity in a way that combatted Arianism and earlier heresies about the Trinity. The definition they came up with was that Jesus was “Very God of Very God,” “Begotten, not made,” and “of one substance with the Father.”.

  4. The first covers Arianism's origins and emergence. This hinges on a basic narrative in which Arius, a priest of Alexandria in Egypt in the early fourth century, proposed a radical theology in which the Son was “not part of God and could never have been ‘within’ the life of God” but was “dependent and subordinate” (Williams, Arius , 177).

  5. Manuel Koch’s essay on “Arianism and Ethnic Identity in Sixth-Century Visigothic Spain” echoes the other authors in this volume who emphasize the low level of tension between Arians and Catholics in most places and says this is the reason the conversion of the Visigoths to Catholicism under Reccared took place so easily. What King Reccared and his father, Leovigild, both wanted to do in ...

  6. 11. Jan. 2024 · Chief among these were Eusebius of Caesaria and Emperor Constantine. Eusebius of Caesaria’s views on Arianism are often a matter of some debate: some consider him to have been an Arian—indeed, Arius himself seems to have held this view 2 —or that he was initially sympathetic to the Arian view but was convinced otherwise 4.

  7. Arianismus war eine frühe christliche Lehre aus dem 4. Jahrhundert, benannt nach dem Priester Arius. Nach arianischer Lehre ist Jesus Christus nicht wesensgleich mit Gott, aber dessen vornehmstes Geschöpf. Arius wurde in Libyen geboren und studierte an der theologischen Schule des Lucian in Antiochia - dem heutigen Antakya, wo auch andere ...