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  1. select some research on the lemons theory, which is more than five articles in a time range of [1970,2021]. First, we review the initial work of Akerlof and further some works that aimed to explain and add to the lemons market theory. Second, we present an applications taxonomy where we review the theory applications in various fields. The ...

  2. The History. Adverse selection was famously studied in 1970 thanks to George Akerlof and his paper, “The Market for “Lemons”: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.”. He discussed how shady used car dealers were able to push out more honest salespeople and thus create a market failure. The average person can’t tell the ...

  3. 8. Aug. 2022 · “柠檬品”市场(the“lemonsmarket)1970年,31岁的著名经济学家乔治·阿克尔洛夫在论文里,首次提出了“柠檬市场”的概念(柠檬一词在美国俚语中意思为“次品”或不中用的东西),现在“柠檬”已成为每位经济学家最为熟知的一个隐喻。

  4. The market itself is composed of two types of cars: those that are being sold in good faith and those that are being sold off because they are known to be unreliable: these are the ‘lemons’ (in US slang). The seller, of course, knows how good the car is: they’ve had time to decide. The buyer, however, comes to the market blind: all they have to go on is the average quality of the used ...

  5. 24. Mai 2015 · Concise description of theory. In 1970 George Akerlof published a ground breaking paper about the consequences of information assymetry. The full title is : 'The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism'. In markets where it is impossible to asses the quality of a product/service, where, so to say the seller of the ...

  6. 柠檬市场(The Market for Lemons),“柠檬”在美国俚语中表示“次品”或“不中用的东西”,所以柠檬市场也称次品市场,也称阿克洛夫模型。是指信息不对称的市场,即在市场中,产品的卖方对产品的质量拥有比买方更多的信息。在极端情况下,市场会止步萎缩和不存在,这就是信息经济学中的逆向 ...

  7. 1. Nov. 2022 · Sequential Bayesian game. 1. Introduction. This study reconsiders the market for lemons by referring to what Spence (1973) calls “indices” (observable and unalterable attributes of the players) and shows that the market would not collapse if the cost of learning the indices fell within a certain threshold.