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  1. The O’Reilly Factor, originally titled The O’Reilly Report from 1996 to 1998 and often called The Factor, is an American talk show on the Fox News Channel hosted by commentator Bill O’Reilly, who often discusses current controversial political issues with guests.

  2. 20. Jan. 2017 · brand-new studio that will unveil for you on monday night at 7:00 p.m. in new york city. thanks for being here everybody appeared have a fantastic weekend. we'll see you back in new york on monday. good night. ♪ >> bill: at "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight, speak out we are not merely transferring power from what it administration to another or from one party to another. but we are ...

  3. 16. Sept. 2016 · thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the factor investigation segment tonight, reporting by fox news correspondent william la jeunesse out of los angeles says that the department of homeland security is not, is not telling americans the real story about illegal immigration on the mexican border. it's a huge issue in this presidential campaign. >> we're going to end family ...

  4. 19. Nov. 2012 · surrendering to p.c. forces. caution, you are about to enter no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: one of the bad things about america is that some of us feel the need to kick people when they are down. that's exactly what's happening to mitt romney right now. millions of americans are very disappointed that the governor did not weaj a more -- wage a more aggressive campaign to ...

  5. 9. Dez. 2009 · i told him you were coming. he didn't really react. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> we will change the course of history and write a new course for change in this country. bill: president obama made history in the campaign and now is making history again. the latest gallup poll says his job approval rating is the lowest ever recorded for a president 11 months into office ...

  6. 8. Juli 2009 · this wednesday, july 8, 2009. i'm shepard smith. we'll see you tomorrow. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> this low life, michael jackson. this guy was a per vet, a child molester, -- per vet, a child molester, a pedophile. bill: the racial controversy over michael jackson heats up. we will have both sides. congressman king and al sharpton will be here. >> i want to work right ...

  7. 3. Sept. 2016 · and catch our five labor-day special. don't forget about it, 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, "the o'reilly factor" hosted by eric bolling. good night. ♪ hi. i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. let's get straight to our top story. the fbi today made public dozens of pages of documents from its investigation into hillary clinton's personal e-mail use while ...