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  1. Lorenzo Bartolini, Elisa Bonaparte (1777 - 1820), Fürstin von Piombino und Lucca, Großherzogin von Toskana, um 1810, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen ...

  2. Elisa Bonaparte with her daughter Napoleona Baciocchi (1810/1810) by François GérardMuseo Napoleonico The oil on canvas was created by François Gérard on the direct commission of Napoleon Bonaparte, who commissioned the painter with a decree to portray the official full-size family portraits to adorn the walls of the Malmaison, externalizing the glory and memory of the 'Emperor at its apogee.

  3. Entdecken Sie atemberaubende Kunstdrucke von Elisa Bonaparte. • 13 Werke verfügbar • Perfekte Museumsqualität • Maßgefertigt 🖼️ · 0043 4257 29415

  4. 8. Jan. 2021 · Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi was not as well-known as her sisters, beautiful Pauline and treasonous Caroline, but she was more capable than either of them. In fact, she was the Bonaparte sibling most like Napoleon, although she had the least influence over him. Napoleon himself said, “Elisa has the courage of an Amazon; and like me, she cannot bear to be ruled.” (1)

  5. The history of the Basilica of San Petronio is intertwined with a very famous family, that of the Bonaparte family. In fact, Bologna has been, even if for just a short while, the home of Maria Anna Elisa Bonaparte, Napoleon’s sister. The woman arrived in the city in 1814, when she was dismissed from the office of Princess of Piombino, of ...

  6. Ebensowenig wie die andern Mitglieder der Familie Bonaparte stand Elisa mit dem Gefangenen von Sankt Helena oder seinen Begleitern in geheimem Briefwechsel. Höchstens wünschte sie, wie alle andern auch, Erleichterung und Milderung seiner Gefangenschaft. Nur zu diesem Zwecke wollte sie im April 1818 persönlich beim Kaiser Franz Fürsprache einlegen, als er und seine Gemahlin sich in Triest ...

  7. He was killed a long way from Paris, in South Africa. •• Elisa Bonaparte (1777-1820) Elisa left her family and Corsica, the island of her birth, at the age of 7 to receive a careful education at a boarding school near Paris. Her brother Napoleon appointed her Grand Duchess of Tuscany in Italy.