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  1. Lupi, streghe e giganti (Wolves, Witches and Giants) è un adattamento di Ed Welch a cartoni animati delle favole popolari dei fratelli Grimm[1]. Con i disegni di Sara e Simon Bor e la voce narrante di Danilo Bruni nel primo doppiaggio e Giorgio Locuratolo nel secondo. L'intera serie, comprende due stagioni. In Italia è andata in onda in due differenti edizioni, una prima trasmessa su ...

  2. Wolves, Witches and Giants. Premium. S. Entertainment & Reality. 15m. Spike Milligan narrates animated adaptations of best-loved fairy tales. There's a wily wolf, a wicked witch and an enormous ...

  3. 3x3 - The Giant who had Nothing at all. October 8, 1997. 3x4 - The Four Musicians of Brum. October 9, 1997

  4. 28. Nov. 2021 · Music and Story Adaptations by Ed WelchOver 8 fairy tale stories told by Spike Milligan including:The Three Little PigsThe Sleeping BeautyJack and the...

  5. 2x3 - Puss in Boots. October 9, 1996. 2x4 - The Wolf and the Fox. October 10, 1996

  6. The Witch is a character type in Wolves, Witches and Giants. The Sleeping Beauty Billys Halloween Jack the Giant Killer The Witch first appeared in the story, Hansel and Gretel. The Witch's evil trick is to use her evil magic spells to play mean tricks on people. She was very mean and demanding. She was seen in some stories as a cook and her techniques of cooking was terrible like in Dick ...

  7. 19. März 2020 · Wolves Witches and Giants . LP . Spike Milligan (Artist) Format: Vinyl. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price . New from : Used from : Vinyl, January 1, 1982 "Please retry" $17.41 — $17.41: Vinyl $17.41 . ...