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  1. Kodachrome was introduced in 1935 and widely available in the 1950s. Monopack color negative film also goes back to the mid-1930s. Heck, The Wizard of Oz was shot in Technicolor in 1939. If the photographer wanted it in color, he could very easily have used color film. 4.

  2. 19. Juni 2019 · Quella foto si intitola A Great Day in Queens e in effetti è un omaggio ad Harlem 1958 di mio padre, ma non ha a che fare con musicisti. Quella foto ha a che fare con il potere e la bellezza della diversità, dell’immigrazione e del multiculturalismo in America com’è appunto rappresentato nel Queens, il posto più etnicamente e culturalmente diverso di tutto il pianeta Terra.

  3. › bookART KANE Book

    HARLEM 1958 is a joyous visual history of the world's most famous jazz photograph, 'Harlem 1958' (aka 'A Great Day in Harlem'). Lovingly produced by WALL OF SOUNDS EDITIONS, it includes for the first time, virtually every single frame from the historic shoot. With original text by Art Kane, forewords by Quincy Jones, the legendary Benny Golson ...

  4. In 1958 a photographer by the name of Art Kane was hired by Esquire magazine with the intention of snapping a photo that encapsulated the “golden age of jazz” and the result has been deemed “A Great Day in Harlem”. Inspired by the photo and collection of iconic jazz musicians, filmmaker Jean Bach created the documentary “A Great Day in Harlem” which later went on to be nominated ...

  5. 30. Mai 2013 · Bach's A Great Day in Harlem was nominated for an Academy Award in 1994. There is one hilarious exchange between Benny Golson and Horace Silver, but it is the moving affirmation by Art Farmer towards the end of the film which stands out, going some way to explaining not only the enduring appeal of Art Kane's photograph, but also the magic of jazz itself.

  6. Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando l'omonimo film documentario del 1994 diretto da Jean Bach, vedi A Great Day in Harlem (film). A Great Day in Harlem o Harlem 1958 è una foto in bianco e nero di 58 musicisti jazz fotografati in una via di Harlem, New York. La foto è considerata un importante oggetto di studio nella storia del jazz.

  7. 31. Jan. 2021 · Bei sich trägt er eine Dose, in der sich ein Foto befindet, das als „A Great Day in Harlem“ in die (Jazz-)Geschichte eingegangen ist. Navorski sen. hatte die Autogramme derjenigen 57 Musikerinnen und Musiker gesammelt, die sich im August 1958 vor einem typischen „Brownstone“ im New Yorker Stadtteil Harlem ablichten ließen. Nur eine Unterschrift fehlt noch – die des damals jungen ...