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  1. Lamech. the strikerdown; the wild man. The fifth in descent from Cain. He was the first to violate the primeval ordinance of marriage ( Genesis 4:18-24).His address to his two wives, Adah and Zillah ( Genesis 4:23 Genesis 4:24), is the only extant example of antediluvian poetry.

  2. Lamech. Derjenige Nachkomme Kains, von welchem nach Gen. 4, 18 f. alle heidnischen Culturvölker im Gegensatz gegen das fromme Hirtengeschlecht Seths abstammen. Dieser Gegensatz der Völker vor der Sündfluth ist Vorbild des nachsündfluthlichen. Lamech macht sich auf zweierlei Weise bemerklich, einmal dadurch, dass er zwei Weiber nimmt.

  3. 18. Aug. 2023 · Lamech was known for arrogance, polygamy, and violence. In the account of Cain’s descendants, Lamech was purposefully singled out as if to conclude the story of Cain with hopelessness and corruption. In a sense, Lamech is the epitome of God’s warning to Cain, “sin is crouching at your door and its desire is for you” (Genesis 4:7 NASB ...

  4. 18. Mai 2018 · Lamech and his wives put their case to Adam who decided the case in favor of Lamech (Tanh. Gen. 11). According to another tradition, Lamech's wives refused to have intercourse with him because they knew that a flood was to come and therefore they did not want to bear children. Whereupon Lamech answered "Cain was guilty of murder, yet judgment was suspended in his case for seven generations ...

  5. 13. Juli 2024 · Lamech in Noah’s Genealogy. The figure of Lamech also appears in the genealogy of Noah, presenting an intriguing parallel and distinction from his counterpart in the lineage of Cain. This Lamech is the father of Noah, a central figure in the biblical narrative, particularly in the story of the Great Flood. The Lamech in Noah’s genealogy is ...

  6. Eine Person mit Namen Lamech (auch: Lemech; hebr. למך) wird im 1. Buch Mose des Alten Testaments der Bibel an zwei Stellen erwähnt. Beide Lamechs sollen unterschiedliche Vorfahren haben, wobei manche Bibelwissenschaftler wegen der Ähnlichkeit der Namen in den Stammbäumen davon ausgehen, es handle sich um dieselbe Person, von der nur zwei unterschiedliche Berichte existieren.

  7. Lamech said to his wives: “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. If Cain's revenge is sevenfold, then Lamech's is seventy-sevenfold.” —Gen. 4:23–24 [ESV] That’s it. That’s all is told to us about what Lamech says to his wives ...