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  1. 8. Okt. 2016 · These two films provide fundamentally different viewing experiences: "The Tree of Life" pulls you along with the speed and variety of life as it's experienced from a God's eye view while "Voyage of Time" summarizes that perspective, putting it in terms that a "child" could understand. We are all "children of the Good," we are told, because we are just another part of Nature's constant yearning ...

  2. 28. Juli 2016 · Dreamy Brad Pitt voiceover. Spectacular everythingscapes. The cosmos boiled down to 40 minutes. The trailer for Voyage of Time, the documentary Terrence Malick allegedly forgot to make, is here

  3. 7. Sept. 2016 · Voyage of Time is a celebration of the earth, displaying the whole of time, from the birth of the universe to its final collapse. This film examines all that went to prepare the miracle that stands before us now. Science and spirit, birth and death, the grand cosmos and the minute life systems of our planet – all come together in Malick’s most ambitious film to date.

  4. 23. Feb. 2018 · Jetzt streamen. Voyage of Time. HD, SD | Deutsch. Kaufen: 2,99€ |. Jetzt streamen. Voyage of Time jetzt legal streamen. Hier findest du einen Überblicknbsp; aller Anbieter, bei denen du Voyage ...

  5. 10. März 2017 · A celebration of the universe, displaying the whole of time, from its start to its final collapse. This film examines all that occurred to prepare the world that stands before us now: science and spirit, birth and death, the grand cosmos and the minute life systems of our planet. (Wide release version with narration by Cate Blanchett.)

  6. 17. Feb. 2022 · La recensione di Voyage of Time - Il cammino della vita, il film di Terrence Malick presentato a Venezia nel 2016, al cinema nel 2022.

  7. VOYAGE OF TIME ist ein kontemplativer, spiritueller Film, der von der Schönheit dieser Welt zeugt, aber auch eine Reise an den Ursprung des Seins und sein mögliches Ende darstellt. Dies ist keine leicht zu konsumierende Dokumentation, sondern eher ein Werk ganz im Stil des Regisseurs, der auf einer sehr spirituellen Ebene erzählt, aber niemals missioniert. Stattdessen lässt er über weite ...

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