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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Starting in the year 1828, Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, unearthed more than 2000 Greek vases on his estate near the ancient Etruscan town of Vulci. The vases were restored and found their way to archaeological collections all around the world. This volume publishes 10 papers by scholars of international repute dealing with these ceramics. The papers were presented in 2015 at a ...

  2. Lucien Bonaparte: Prince romain | Pietromarchi, Antonello, Carducci-Artenisio, Reine | ISBN: 9782262022075 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.

  3. Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, 2. kníže z Canino a Musignano (též Karel Lucien Bonaparte, 24. května 1803, Paříž – 29. července 1857, tamtéž), byl francouzský biolog a ornitolog, člen rodiny Bonapartů.

  4. Lucien Bonaparte (Bruder von Napoleon Bonaparte) Lucien Carr (US-Künstler) Lucien Castle (Figur aus der TV-Serie "The Originals") Lucien Favre (schweiz. Fussballtrainer) Lucien Freund (brit. Künstler) Lucien Lachance (Figur aus der Computerspielreihe "The Elder Scrolls") Lucien van Geffen (niederländ. Schauspieler) Lucien Vanserra

  5. Charles Lucien (Carlo) Jules Laurent Bonaparte (24 mai 1803 – 29 iulie 1857) a fost naturalist și ornitolog francez.. Biografie. Bonaparte a fost fiul lui Lucien Bonaparte și a Alexandrine de Bleschamp, și nepot de frate al împăratului Napoleon.

  6. Bonaparte, Charles Lucian Napoleon I., Frankreich, Kaiser Verknüpfungen zu anderen Personen wurden aus den Registerangaben von NDB und ADB übernommen und durch computerlinguistische Analyse und Identifikation gewonnen.

  7. Biologist and ornithologist; son of Lucien Bonaparte and his second wife Alexandrine de Bleschamp, and therefore nephew of Napoleon I (qq.v.). Married his cousin Zénaïde Bonaparte in 1822. The couple settled in the USA and Charles publishe a revised edition of Wilson's American Ornithology in 1825-33. Returned to Europe in 1826, settling in ...