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  1. James Mill began writing a work on the history of Company rule in India in 1808, expecting it to take him about seven years, but its completion proved to take instead twelve years, with three substantial volumes eventually being published in early 1818.

  2. 12. Mai 2020 · John Stuart Mill nació en La Calle 13 Rodney Street en Pentonville, Middlesex, era el hijo mayor del filósofo, historiador y economista escocés James Mill y de Harriet Barrow. John Stuart fue educado por su padre, con el asesoramiento y la asistencia de Jeremy Bentham y Francis Place. Se le dio una educación extremadamente rigurosa, y fue ...

  3. Lexikon Online ᐅMill: John Stuart, 1806–1873, Sohn von James Mill, engl. Philosoph und Nationalökonom. Die nationalökonomische Leistung von Mill besteht in seiner systematischen Darstellung der Theorien von Smith, Malthus und Ricardo.

  4. methodological orientations of James Mill and David Ricardo. It is James Mill who was guilty of what has been termed by Professor Schumpeter ^The Ricardian Vice _ [ (Hollander, 1985, I: 1), and that Ricardo Zwas unhappy on empirical grounds with James Mill [s oversimplified behavioural assumptions [ and felt that the latter Zwent too far by ...

  5. James Mill (1773-1836) is today best known as Jeremy Bentham's chief disciple and John Stuart Mill's father. Yet Mill himself was a formidable and important Utilitarian thinker in his own right, who earned the respect of even those who disagreed with him. His range was enormous (historian, political philosopher, psychologist, educational theorist, and economist), repeatedly crossing the ...

  6. › pt › James_MillJames Mill - Wikiwand

    James Mill foi um historiador e filósofo escocês e o pai de John Stuart Mill. Foi um partidário do liberalismo e um famoso representante do radicalismo filosófico, uma escola de pensamento também conhecida por Utilitarianismo, a qual defende uma base científica para a filosofia.

  7. James Mill (Angus, 6 d'abril de 1773 – Kensington, 23 de juny de 1836) va ser un historiador, economista, politòleg i filòsof escocès. Va néixer a Northwater Bridge, en la parròquia de Logie-Pert, Angus .