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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Huygens, Christiaan. niederländischer Physiker, Mathematiker, Astronom, geb. 14.4.1629 Den Haag, gest. 8.7.1695 Den Haag. Huygens genoß im Elternhaus eine hervorragende Ausbildung. Der Vater, ein Diplomat, Schöngeist und Freund von Descartes, und Hauslehrer unterrichteten ihn. 1645–47 studierte er Rechtswissnschaften in Leiden, hörte aber ...

  2. Christiaan Huygens, or Christian Huyghens, (born April 14, 1629, The Hague—died July 8, 1695, The Hague), Dutch mathematician, astronomer, and physicist. He was the first to use a pendulum to regulate a clock (1656). He invented a method of grinding and polishing telescope lenses, and he used his telescopes to discover the true shape of Saturn’s rings (1659). He developed explanations of ...

  3. Christiaan Huygens, Lord of Zeelhem, was a Dutch mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and inventor who is regarded as a key figure in the Scientific Revolution. In physics, Huygens made seminal contributions to optics and mechanics, while as an astronomer he studied the rings of Saturn and discovered its largest moon, Titan. As an engineer and inventor, he improved the design of ...

  4. Secondogenito di Constantijn Huygens (1596 - 1687), amico di Cartesio, Christiaan studiò giurisprudenza e matematica all' Università di Leida dal 1645 al 1647 e successivamente al College van Oranje (Collegio d'Orange) di Breda, prima di interessarsi completamente alla scienza. Fece parte del circolo dei Collegianti di Rijnsburg (nei dintorni ...

  5. This theory came to dominate the conceptions of light in the eighteenth century, displacing the previously prominent vibration theories, where light was viewed as "pressure" of the medium between the source and the receiver, first championed by René Descartes, and later in a more refined form by Christiaan Huygens.

  6. Christiaan Huygens (1686) Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) [Bearbeiten]. niederländischer Astronom, Mathematiker und Physiker. Zitate mit Quellenangabe [Bearbeiten] "In der wahren Philosophie, führt man die Ursache aller natürlichen Wirkungen auf mechanische Gründe zurück.

  7. クリスティアーン・ホイヘンス. クリスティアーン・ホイヘンス (Christiaan Huygens 、 1629年 [3] 4月14日 - 1695年 [3] 7月8日 [4] ) ( listen [ヘルプ/ファイル]) は、 オランダ の 数学者 ・ 物理学者 ・ 天文学者 。. かつてオランダの25 ギルダー 紙幣にその肖像が描か ...