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  1. In Pauline Bonaparte: Venus of Empire, Flora Fraser casts new light on the Napoleonic era and crafts a dynamic, vivid portrait of a mesmerizing woman. About Pauline Bonaparte: Venus of Empire From acclaimed biographer Flora Fraser, the brilliant life of Napoleon’s favorite sister, with color photos, paintings, and illustrations.

  2. Pauline Bonaparte as Venus Victrix (or Venus Victorious) is a semi-nude life-size neo-Classical portrait sculpture by the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova. It was commissioned by Pauline Bonaparte’s husband Camillo Borghese and executed in Rome from 1805 to 1808 after she married the representative of the Borghese family.

  3. 31. Aug. 2018 · Pauline Bonaparte was born on 20 October 1780 as the daughter of Letizia Ramolino and Carlo Buonaparte She was thus the sister of the future Emperor Napoleon. She was known as Paoletta in the family and was just four when her father passed away. She received very little education. At the age of 15, she became engaged to a [read more]

  4. Venus of Empire: The Life of Pauline Bonaparte. Celebrated for her looks, notorious for her passions, immortalised by Antonio Canova’s statue and always deeply loyal to her brother, Pauline Bonaparte Borghese is a fascinating figure. At the turn of the nineteenth century she was considered by many to be the most beautiful woman in Europe.

  5. Napoleons Lieblingsschwester. Pauline Bonaparte wird am 20.Oktober 1780 in Ajaccio als Schwester von Napoleon Bonaparte geboren. Sie wächst in Ajaccio auf Korsika auf. Mit 13 Jahen muss sie mit Ihren Geschwistern und Ihrer Mutter nach Frankreich fliehen. Die meiste Zeit verbringt Pauline in Paris und gilt als eine der schönsten Frauen Ihrer Zeit.

  6. Pauline Bonaparte. Die 1780 geborene Pauline Bonaparte wuchs in Ajaccio auf und ging 1793 mit ihrer Familie nach Frankreich. Napoleon arrangierte die Heirat mit dem General Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc. Dieser starb 1802 auf Haiti. Wiederum auf Betreiben ihres Bruders nahm Pauline den Offizier Camillo Borghese (1775-1832) zum Mann.