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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Eton College is a charity for the advancement of education. At its heart sits an independent boys’ boarding school which leads a dynamic range of educational activities and an expanding network of educational partnerships.

  2. All boys sit an assessment when they arrive to determine whether additional support is required, and boys can be referred to learning support at any time during their Eton career. The pupils’ excellent achievement and progress are not only evident in the school’s examination results.

  3. Gegründet im Jahr 1440, zählt das Eton College zu den weltweit renommierten und elitären Internatsschulen. Hier folgen die Studierenden den Spuren von 20 britischen Premierminister*innen sowie vieler Wissenschaftler*innen, Entdecker*innen und Olympia-Ikonen. Das College befindet sich nur einen kurzen Fußweg von Windsor entfernt, wo die ...

  4. Wśród wychowanków Eton są książę Wellington – zwycięzca spod Waterloo i później premier Wielkiej Brytanii (premierami było w sumie 19 etończyków, w tym David Cameron), pisarze (Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Ian Fleming), uczeni (Robert Boyle, John Herschel), dowódcy wojskowi, odkrywcy, a także dandys i rewolucjonista mody męskiej – Beau Brummell.

  5. 温切斯特公学 Winchester College. 伊顿公学 Eton College. 莫切特泰勒公学 Merchant Taylors' School. 切特豪斯公学 Charterhouse School. 舒兹伯利公学 Shrewsbury School. 哈罗公学 Harrow School. 拉格比公学 Rugby School 推荐阅读: 英国九大公学排名,伊顿公学排名第几?

  6. Eton has always been about more than a narrow educational experience. From the school’s very origins, both music and sport have been part of a boy’s experience here and today these elements are joined by a wide range of possibilities, including drama, the CCF and outdoor education.

  7. El Colegio del Rey de Nuestra Señora de Eton (en inglés: King's College of Our Lady of Eton), conocido comúnmente como Eton College [1] o sólo Eton, es un colegio y residencia de estudiantes varones. Está situado en Eton, Berkshire, en Inglaterra, ce ...