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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Description of The first European gymnasium of Peter the Great. Established: in 2012. Location: Moscow region, Fr. Mytishchi, village Nagornoye, Russia. Age of students: 2.5– 17 years. Type of eduaction: joint (mixed) Type of stay: on campus residence. Language of instruction: Russian. The first European Peter the Great Gymnasium is a unique ...

  2. Gymnasium (and variations of the word; pl. gymnasia [1]) is a term in various European languages for a secondary school that prepares students for higher education at a university. It is comparable to the US English term preparatory high school or the British term grammar school.

  3. Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gymnasium Forst. Jahnstraße 3-9 03149 Forst (Lausitz)/Baršć (Łužyca) Tel: (+49)0 3562 8084 E-Mail: gymnasium-forst [at] t-online [punkt] de sekretariat [at] gymnasium-forst [punkt] de. Verantwortlich im Sinne des Presserechts und des §6 des Mediendienste-Staatsvertrags Ulrike Weikert, Schulleiterin

  4. Description of Gymnasium №45 Moscow named after L.I. Milgram. Location: Moscow, Russia. Students age: from 1.5 to 18 years old. Forms of study: full-time and part-time. Stages of education: preschool, primary, basic and secondary. Gymnasium No. 45 was opened in 1958. From 2015 to 2019, this educational institution was regularly included in ...

  5. Here we concentrate on the first. Kizhner graduated from the First Moscow Gymnasium and entered Moscow University in 1886 as a student in the Natu­ ral Science Division of the Physics-Mathematics Faculty. Here, two years later, he came under the influence of the mercurial Vladimir Vasil’evich Markovnikov (1838–1904) and his col­

  6. Description of Gymnasium №1520 named after Kaptsov. Location: Moscow, Russia. Students age: 7 to 18 years old. Forms of study: full-time, part-time. Adapted programs. Stages of education: primary, basic, secondary. The gymnasium has two buildings, the first of which was opened in 1892. Since 2015, a school with in-depth study of a foreign ...

  7. Description of Gymnasium №1551 Moscow. Location: Moscow, Russia. Students age: from 1.5 to 18 years old. Forms of study: full-time, part-time. Adapted programs. Stages of education: preschool, primary, basic and secondary. School No. 1551 was opened in 2000, in 2003 it received the status of gymnasium. In subsequent years, several general ...