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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Juan Gris - Sein Werk. Juan Gris malt vornehmlich Stillleben. Bevor er sich künstlerisch dem Kubismus zuwendet, malt Gris im Stil des Jugendstils. 1908 lernt er Pablo Picasso kennen und wird auf den Kubismus aufmerksam. Gris ist der eigentliche Protagonist, da er den analytischen Kubismus durch den synthetischen Kubismus ablöst.

  2. 'Juan Gris earned his reputation as a "perfect painter" by creating exquisite cubist pictures notable for their stunning precision, exact proportions, and brilliant use of color. Although Gris did not begin to experiment with cubist principles until 1911, he quickly established himself, alongside Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, as one of cubism's most eminent exponents.'

  3. Summary of Juan Gris. One of Gertrude Stein's favorite artists, and the only Cubist talented enough to make Picasso uncomfortable, Juan Gris built upon the foundations of early Cubism and steered the movement in new directions. A member of the tight-knit circle of avant-garde artists working in Paris, Gris adopted the radically fragmented ...

  4. 9. Mai 2024 · Juan Gris (born March 23, 1887, Madrid, Spain—died May 11, 1927, Boulogne-sur-Seine, France) was a Spanish painter whose lucidly composed still lifes are major works of the style called Synthetic Cubism. Gris studied engineering at the Madrid School of Arts and Manufactures from 1902 to 1904, but he soon began making drawings for newspapers ...

  5. Juan Gris. Juan Gris es considerado una de las principales figuras del movimiento cubista. Su importancia radicó tanto en sus obras, en las que predominó el interés por el retrato y el bodegón, como en su aportación teórica. Estudió en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Madrid y posteriormente con el pintor José Moreno Carbonero, al ...

  6. Gris, Juan 1887 – 1927. 1887 geboren in Madrid 1902−1904 Ausbildung an der Escuela de Artes y Manufacturas in Madrid 1904 Beginn einer Malereiausbildung bei José Moreno Carbonero, der später Lehrer von Salvador Dalí wird 1906 arbeitet in den folgen ...

  7. 20. Nov. 2023 · Gris was also greatly influenced by the emerging Cubism movement. The young Gris made acquaintances with Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, who would later become his most important mentors in the field of painting. Conclusion. Juan Gris, the maestro of Cubist cool, left us with a legacy of mind-blowing paintings. Each canvas is a unique dance ...