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  1. 10. Nov. 2021 · Isḥāq al-Kindī was probably born in Kufa in present-day Iraq, toward the end of the eighth or beginning of the ninth century CE. His father, Isḥāq b. al-Șabbāh, held the position of governor there. As al-Kindī’s name indicates, his family traced their ancestry back to the kings of the South Arabian tribe of Kinda, and notably to a ...

  2. Al-Kindi was born and brought up in Kufa, which was a centre for Arab culture and learning in the 9 th century. This was certainly the right place for al-Kindi to get the best education possible at this time. Although quite a few details (and legends) of al-Kindi's life are given in various sources, these are not all consistent. We shall try to ...

  3. Al-Kindi. Yaʿqūb ibn Isḥāq al-Kindī, يعقوب بن اسحاق الكندي ‎, latinisiert: Alkindus (* um 800 in Kufa; † 873 in Bagdad), war ein arabischer Philosoph, Wissenschaftler, Mathematiker, Arzt und Musiker. Überdies kommt ihm eine Bedeutung im Bereich islamischer Philosophie zu, da er in Bagdad viele philosophische ...

  4. › en › encyclopediaAl-Kindi -

    Al-Kindi was the first of the Muslim Peripatetic philosophers, and among his numerous accomplishments, he is known for his efforts to introduce Greek and Hellenistic philosophy to the Arab world, [3] and as a pioneer in chemistry, cryptography, medicine, music theory, physics, and scientific methodology. Al-Kindi was a descendant of the Kinda ...

  5. Al-Kindi diskutiert, auf welche Weise die Himmelskörper die materielle Welt beeinflussen: eine Theorie übernimmt er von Aristoteles, wonach es die Planetenbewegung selbst ist, die die sublunare Sphäre unter Spannung setzt. Eine andere These vertritt er in seiner Abhandlung über Strahlen, wo die direkte Strahlung der Himmelskörper verantwortlich sein soll. Er beschreibt somit zwei ...

  6. 25. Apr. 2019 · Al-Kindi. Posted on April 25, 2019 by ip. Abu Yusef Yaqoub ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi ( (185-256 AH / 805-873 AD) ) is the father of Islamic Philosophy. He was also a scientist of high caliber a gifted Mathematician, astronomer, physician and a geographer as well as a talented musician. He is said to have uttered the following quote:

  7. Abū Yaʿqūb ibn Ishāq Al-Kindi bzw. lat. Alkindus oder dt. Alkendi (* um 800 in ; † 873) war ein arabischer Philosoph, Wissenschaftler, Mathematiker, Arzt und Musiker. Er übersetzte zahlreiche Schriften von Aristoteles, Platon, Alexander von Aphrodisias und Johannes Philoponos ins Arabische übersetzen. Al-Kindi gehörte zu den ersten in Bagdad lebenden Philosophen, die deutlicher ...