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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 1. Sept. 1998 · DJ: What is Anarchism? JZ: I would say Anarchism is the attempt to eradicate all forms of domination. This includes not only such obvious forms as the nation-state, with its routine use of violence and the force of law, and the corporation, with its institutionalized irresponsibility, but also such internalized forms as patriarchy, racism, homophobia.

  2. Origins: A John Zerzan Reader, a joint publication of FC Press and Black and Green Press, 2010; Twilight of the Machines, Feral House, 2008; Running On Emptiness, Feral House, 2002 ; Against Civilization (editor), Uncivilized Books, 1999; Expanded edition, Feral House, 2005; Future Primitive, Autonomedia, 1994 (out of print)

  3. John Zerzan (s. 1943 ) on yhdysvaltalainen anarkoprimitivistinen filosofi . Hän on kritisoinut teoksissaan maanviljelyyn perustuvaa sivilisaatiota luontaisesti epäoikeudenmukaisena, ja suositellut metsästäjä-keräilijöiden elämäntapaa malliksi siitä, millaiselta vapaa yhteiskunta voisi näyttää.

  4. 23. Apr. 2009 · Against Technology: A talk by John Zerzan (April 23, 1997) — John Zerzan Jul 22, 2009 15 pp. Age of Grief — John Zerzan Apr 23, 2009 5 pp. Agriculture — John Zerzan Jul 21, 2009 22 pp.

  5. John Zerzan (* 10. srpna 1943 Salem, Oregon) je americký anarchistický filozof a historik s českými kořeny (pradědeček i prababička se narodili na Moravě) [1]. Je představitelem anarchoprimitivismu a „postlevicového“ anarchismu, který odmítá spojení anarchismu s tradiční politickou levicí .

  6. Articles. Archive of articles at;; Interview in Journal for the Study of Radicalism with Arthur Versluis. Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2007.

  7. › wiki › John_ZerzanJohn Zerzan - Wikiquote

    10. Aug. 2024 · John Zerzan (born in Salem, 10th August 1943) is an American anarchist and primitivist philosopher and author. Quotes [edit] If we once — and for so long — lived in balance with nature and each other, we should be able to do so again. ...