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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Origins: A John Zerzan Reader, a joint publication of FC Press and Black and Green Press, 2010; Twilight of the Machines, Feral House, 2008; Running On Emptiness, Feral House, 2002 ; Against Civilization (editor), Uncivilized Books, 1999; Expanded edition, Feral House, 2005; Future Primitive, Autonomedia, 1994 (out of print)

  2. Elements of Refusal is the first comprehensive collection of John Zerzan’s writings. Appearing over the past decade in primarily marginal or “underground” pubheations, this collection is long overdue. No less than as they appeared, these essays are provocative and important. For me John’s writings have always contained that critical ...

  3. John Zerzan (s. 1943 ) on yhdysvaltalainen anarkoprimitivistinen filosofi . Hän on kritisoinut teoksissaan maanviljelyyn perustuvaa sivilisaatiota luontaisesti epäoikeudenmukaisena, ja suositellut metsästäjä-keräilijöiden elämäntapaa malliksi siitä, millaiselta vapaa yhteiskunta voisi näyttää.

  4. 23. Apr. 2009 · Against Technology: A talk by John Zerzan (April 23, 1997) — John Zerzan Jul 22, 2009 15 pp. Age of Grief — John Zerzan Apr 23, 2009 5 pp. Agriculture — John Zerzan Jul 21, 2009 22 pp.

  5. John Zerzan (* 10. srpna 1943 Salem, Oregon) je americký anarchistický filozof a historik s českými kořeny (pradědeček i prababička se narodili na Moravě) [1]. Je představitelem anarchoprimitivismu a „postlevicového“ anarchismu, který odmítá spojení anarchismu s tradiční politickou levicí .

  6. Articles. Archive of articles at;; Interview in Journal for the Study of Radicalism with Arthur Versluis. Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2007.

  7. John Zerzan has been an editor of Green Anarchy: A Journal of Anti-Civilization Theory and Practice since 2001. Green Anarchy ...