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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Sir James Clark Ross (* 15. April 1800 in London; † 3. April 1862 bei Aylesbury) war ein britischer Entdecker und Seefahrer. Er fand bei einer Expedition in die kanadische Arktis den nördlichen Magnetpol und erforschte bei der nach ihm benannten Expedition in die Antarktis das nach ihm benannte Rossmeer .

  2. Sir James Clark Ross DCL FRS FLS FRAS (15 April 1800 – 3 April 1862) was a British Royal Navy officer and polar explorer known for his explorations of the Arctic, participating in two expeditions led by his uncle John Ross, and four led by William Edward Parry, and, in particular, for his own Antarctic expedition from 1839 to 1843.

  3. James Clark Ross (1800-1862), Nef­fe des berühm­ten John Ross, war einer der größ­ten See­fah­rer und Polar-Ent­de­cker sei­ner Zeit. Unter sei­nem Onkel John sowie Edward Par­ry hat­te Ross in jün­ge­ren Jah­ren an einer Rei­he berühm­ter Ark­tis-Expe­di­tio­nen teil­ge­nom­men.

  4. Sir James Clark Ross (born April 15, 1800, London, Eng.—died April 3, 1862, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire) was a British naval officer who carried out important magnetic surveys in the Arctic and Antarctic and discovered the Ross Sea and the Victoria Land region of Antarctica.

  5. James Clark Ross (1800-1862), commander in the British Navy and England's most experienced and successful Arctic explorer, discovered the Magnetic North Pole in June 1831. During the eighteenth century, explorers wanted to find a Northwest Passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

  6. The Ross expedition was a voyage of scientific exploration of the Antarctic in 1839 to 1843, led by James Clark Ross, with two unusually strong warships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror. It explored what is now called the Ross Sea and discovered the Ross Ice Shelf .

  7. His most significant Arctic achievement was locating the North Magnetic Pole in 1831. This (and his Byronic appearance) won him great popular acclaim in Britain. A fellow officer described him as “the finest officer I have met with … He is perfectly idolized by everyone.”