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  1. The crew of the Flying Dutchman consisted of a large number of crewmen aboard Davy Jones' ship, the Flying Dutchman. Davy Jones' monstrous crew is made up from the doomed sailors who have opted to serve one hundred years before the mast rather than face certain death at sea. With every year that passes, the crewmen become less human, their bodies taking on traits from the sea, until eventually ...

  2. Davy Jones viene rappresentato come il capitano di un equipaggio composto da esseri per metà umani e per metà creature marine: lui stesso ha corpo da uomo, tentacoli da polpo come barba, il ventre di un polpo sulla nuca, un lungo tentacolo al posto dell'indice della mano destra, un'enorme chela di granchio al posto della mano sinistra e una zampa di granchio (che assomiglia molto ad una ...

  3. 3. Apr. 2014 · Davy Jones was a singer and actor who found fame as a member of the pop group the Monkees, on the television show of the same name.

  4. Captain Davy Jones (*geboren in Schottland, †15. August 1729 im Mahlstrom[3]) ist der Antagonist im Film Fluch der Karibik 2. Er war einer der Liebhaber der Meeresgöttin Calypso. In ihrem Auftrag wurde er Hüter der auf See verstorbenen Seelen und Captain der Flying Dutchman. Jones starb, formal im Dienste der East India Trading Company, in der Schlacht in Calypsos Strudel, als Jack Sparrow ...

  5. Although I'm sure it doesn't cover all the art made, I can confirm that all three of these Davy Jones pieces are in the book. If you never looked through it, I definitely recommend checking it out. Not sure if it was used in some book or not, but here's an artwork by Darrell Warner which shows human Jones in a late 16th century outfit.

  6. (with Broadsword) Davy Jones wasn't always the tentacled creature that captains the Flying Dutchman. He was just as human as you or me. So what changed for this cursed captain? What made his life so horrible that he decided to live out eternity aboard the Flying Dutchman? Maybe it was the sea or could it have been a woman? Perhaps a little of both!

  7. Davy Jones es el antagonista secundario de la saga Piratas del Caribe. Era un demonio marino conocido como el "Señor de los Siete Mares" y custodio del Ataúd de Davy Jones, un eufemismo por "el fondo del mar", el lugar donde descansan los muertos ahogados. Jones también fue capitán del barco fantasma El Holandes Errante. Davy Jones es el primer capitán del Holandés Errante, antecediendo ...