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  1. Master-Studiengänge der FOM: Informieren Sie sich jetzt über das Studienangebot der FOM. Karriere machen und neben dem Beruf studieren. 32x in Deutschland.

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  3. Flexibilität: Moderne Studienzentren vor Ort kombiniert mit interaktiven Online-Sessions. Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Campus M University . Mehr zu Ihrem Studienprogramm erfahren

    Dachauer Str. 124, München, - · Directions · 8921536293


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität gehört zu den größten und forschungsstärksten Universitäten Europas. Mit ihrem ausdifferenzierten Fächerspektrum verfügt sie über ein herausragendes Potenzial für zukunftsweisende Forschung.

  2. Where knowledge is everything. LMU offers state-of-the-art research infrastructure, an outstanding international network, attractive career opportunities and a broad spectrum of continuing personal development programs. In doing so, LMU supports its members in nurturing their talents and helping to shape their working environment. Open positions.

  3. 28. Juni 2023 · In the QS World University Rankings 2024, LMU has moved up five places to 54 from last year’s ranking of 59. As the second-highest ranked German university, LMU is one of only four German universities to make it into the top 100 worldwide. The rankings are topped by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

  4. 2. Sept. 2020 · Im "World University Ranking 2021" von "Times Higher Education" (THE) ist die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München erneut die bestplatzierteste deutsche Hochschule. Sie landete wie in den beiden Vorjahren auf Platz 32. Unter den Top 100 des Hochschulvergleichs finden sich zudem die TU München (Platz 41), die Uni Heidelberg (42), die ...

  5. Where knowledge is everything. LMU offers state-of-the-art research infrastructure, an outstanding international network, attractive career opportunities and a broad spectrum of continuing personal development programs. In doing so, LMU supports its members in nurturing their talents and helping to shape their working environment. Open positions.

  6. A university for everyone. Every semester numerous lectures on current affairs take place in series at LMU — all of them open to the public. A university for everyone. up. Related links. Home; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Routing. Facebook; ...

  7. The University is divided into 18 faculties and enjoys one of Germany’s finest library systems. Creative thinking, problem-solving and research are central to LMU’s academic programs. Its University Hospital is, next to the Charité in Berlin, the most prestigious and largest institution of this kind in Germany. Munich