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  1. Vor einem Tag · Die Landung der Alliierten in der Normandie am D-Day 1944 leitet das Ende der NS-Diktatur ein. Das O-Ton-Hörspiel gedenkt der Feier zum 50. Jahrestag der „Operation Overlord“.

  2. Vor 5 Tagen · Operation Overlord or D-Day. Date: June 6, 1944 - July 9, 1944. Location: France. Normandy. Participants: Allied powers. Context: Vichy France. World War II. Major Events: Omaha Beach. Sword Beach. Utah Beach. Juno Beach. Gold Beach.

  3. Vor 3 Tagen · Genau hier begann die "Operation Overlord", die darauf abzielte, Europa endgültig von der Naziherrschaft zu befreien. Die Serie blickt u.a. auf die Überreste der sogenannten "Mulberry-Häfen". Über diese aus Betonfertigteilen im Eiltempo errichteten Anlagen an den Stränden Omaha Beach und Gold Beach lief der Nachschub der Alliierten. Einen besonderen Blick wirft "Zweiter Weltkrieg ...

  4. Vor 3 Tagen · The Battle for Caen (June to August 1944) was a military engagement between the British Second Army and the German Panzergruppe West in the Second World War for control of the city of Caen and its vicinity during the Battle of Normandy.

  5. 19 August – Liberation of Paris: The city rises against German occupation with the help of Allied troops. 20 August – American forces defeat German forces at Chambois. This victory closed the Falaise Gap. 24 August – Liberation of Paris: The Allies enter Paris, successfully completing Operation Overlord. 25 August.

  6. Vor 5 Tagen · On August 16, the day after a Franco-American force had landed on the Riviera (Operation Dragoon), Hitler at last recognized the inevitable and gave permission for a withdrawal from Normandy. The only route of escape lay through a gap between the converging American and British spearheads at Falaise. The position was held by the ...

  7. Vor 5 Tagen · Within hours an armada of 3,000 landing craft, 2,500 other ships, and 500 naval vessels—escorts and bombardment ships—began to leave English ports. That night 822 aircraft, carrying parachutists or towing gliders, roared overhead to the Normandy landing zones.

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