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  1. Vor 5 Tagen · The film sheds light on the darker side of police work, challenging the notion of blind trust in authority figures. The movies soundtrack perfectly complements the on-screen action. From thrilling chase scenes to suspenseful moments, the soundtrack enhances the overall impact of Magnum Force.

  2. Vor 5 Tagen · TOTAL TRUST ist der erste große Film, der couragierte Menschen porträtiert, die in Chinas zunehmend überwachter Gesellschaft leben. Eine augenöffnende und zutiefst beunruhigende Geschichte über Technologie, Machtmissbrauch und (Selbst-)Zensur, die durch die Covid-Pandemie noch beschleunigt wurde. (Quelle: Verleih)

  3. Vor 5 Tagen · Total Trust“ ist ein zutiefst beunruhigender und bewegender Film über die unheimliche Macht von Big Data und KI, über ihren Gebrauch und Missbrauch im öffentlichen wie im privaten Leben, über Zensur und Selbstzensur. Anhand eindringlicher Schicksale von Menschen in China, die überwacht, eingeschüchtert und sogar gefoltert ...

  4. Vor 3 Tagen · The film received mostly mixed reviews and made $10.4 million at the box office against a budget of $18 million, but Blanchett's performance as the titular character received praise, with Pete Hammond writing in his review for Deadline, "[The film] doesn't quite measure up to expectations, despite a game performance from the incandescent Cate Blanchett, who clearly is the best reason to see ...

  5. Vor einem Tag · Dostoevsky's works were interpreted in film and on stage in many different countries. Princess Varvara Dmitrevna Obolenskaya was among the first to propose staging Crime and Punishment . Dostoevsky did not refuse permission, but he advised against it, as he believed that "each art corresponds to a series of poetic thoughts, so that one idea cannot be expressed in another non-corresponding form".

  6. Vor 3 Tagen · Motion picture content rating system. A motion picture content rating system classifies films based on their suitability for audiences due to their treatment of issues such as sex, violence, or substance abuse, their use of profanity, or other matters typically deemed unsuitable for children or adolescents.