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  1. Vor 4 Tagen · The Laws of Personal Development. By Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon ("Maimonides"); translated by Eliyahu Touger. Featuring a modern English translation and a commentary that presents a digest of the centuries of Torah scholarship which have been devoted to the study of the Mishneh Torah by Maimonides. More...

  2. Vor 4 Tagen · The Mishneh Torah was the Rambam's (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon) magnum opus, a work spanning hundreds of chapters and describing all of the laws mentioned in the Torah. To this day it is the only work that details all of Jewish observance, including those laws which are only applicable when the Holy Temple is in place. Participating in ...

  3. Vor 5 Tagen · In Sefer HaMitzvot, the Rambam states that separating the second tithe and partaking of it in Jerusalem are considered two facets of one mitzvah. The Ramban (in his Hosafot to Sefer HaMitzvot ) differs and considers partaking of the produce in Jerusalem as another positive mitzvah.

  4. Vor 5 Tagen · It says in the pasuk describing the mishkans completion, “kechol asher tziva Hashem es Moshe ken asu Bnei Yisrael es kol haavodah” (39:42). The Ramban picks up on the fact that the Torah uses the word “avodah” here, while it used the word “melacha” throughout the entire sugyah describing the building of the mishkan.

  5. Vor 3 Tagen · Neitz/Sunrise-Lechatchila/The initial time: The ideal time for praying Shemoneh Esrei is exactly by sunrise, [unless a minyan is not available at that time, or if Davening this early will compromise on one’s Torah learning schedule, or ability to concentrate in the prayer, in which case one may Daven later on]. Thus, one should not Daven Shemoneh Esrei before sunrise unless it is a time of need.

  6. Vor 5 Tagen · It’s possible that Rambam and Sefer ha’Chinuch hold that this prohibition was given specifically for the time period when Egypt was a dominant power on the world stage. If the Jewish people had returned to Egypt at any point within the first millennium after the Giving of the Torah, it would have been disastrous, and this prohibition safeguarded against that outcome. The fact that this ...

  7. Vor 3 Tagen · The Mishnah Yomi for Sunday, June 2, 2024 is Sotah 9:4 - 9:5.