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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. William Tyndale, auch William Tindale [ ˈtɪndəl] (* um 1494 in North Nibley bei Gloucester, England; † 6. Oktober 1536 in Vilvoorde bei Brüssel) war ein englischer Priester und Gelehrter und übersetzte die Bibel in die englische Sprache. Seine Bibelübersetzung, die bereits etwa 100 Jahre vor der King-James-Bibel entstand, war zwar nicht ...

  2. William Tyndale ( / ˈtɪndəl /; [1] sometimes spelled Tynsdale, Tindall, Tindill, Tyndall; c. 1494 – October 1536) was an English biblical scholar and linguist who became a leading figure in the Protestant Reformation in the years leading up to his execution. He is well known as a translator of most of the Bible into English, and was ...

  3. 15. Jan. 2018 · Der Brite William Tyndale (1484–1536) ist nicht sehr bekannt, aber er leistete etwas Großartiges: Er übersetzte die Bibel (größtenteils) in die englische Sprache. Es war die erste Übertragung ins Englische, die den hebräischen und griechischen Grundtext genau wiedergab und die durch Buchdrucker vervielfältigt wurde.

  4. Der junge englische Theologe William Tyndale begann in den 1520er Jahren, die Bibel zu übersetzen und zu drucken. Da für seine Arbeit keine Genehmigung des englischen Königs sowie der katholischen Kirche vorlag, verließ er England und arbeitete an der Übersetzung in deutschsprachigen Landen. Der Großteil von William Tyndales Leben war von ...

  5. 17. Juli 2024 · William Tyndale (born c. 1490–94, near Gloucestershire, England—died October 6, 1536, Vilvoorde, near Brussels, Brabant) was an English biblical translator, humanist, and Protestant martyr. Tyndale was educated at the University of Oxford and became an instructor at the University of Cambridge , where, in 1521, he fell in with a group of humanist scholars meeting at the White Horse Inn.

  6. William Tyndale . William Tyndale wurde 1521 zum Priester geweiht. Er beherrschte sieben Sprachen fließend und übersetzte die Bibel ins Englische - die erste Übersetzung aus den Urtexten, denn die Übersetzung von John Wycliff 100 Jahre zuvor basierte auf der lateinischen Vulgata. Die katholische Kirche verfolgte ihn deshalb und verbrannte ...

  7. 2. Apr. 2022 · William Tyndale. Unknown Artist (Public Domain) William Tyndale (l.c. 1494-1536) was a talented English linguist, scholar and priest who was the first to translate the Bible into English. Tyndale objected to the Catholic Church’s control of scripture in Latin and the prohibition against an English translation.

  8. The Tyndale Bible (TYN) generally refers to the body of biblical translations by William Tyndale into Early Modern English, made c. 1522–1535. Tyndale's biblical text is credited with being the first Anglophone Biblical translation to work directly from Hebrew and Greek texts, although it relied heavily upon the Latin Vulgate and Luther's German New Testament.

  9. 6. Okt. 2021 · The English reformer, William Tyndale (1494–1536), was the first person to translate the New Testament directly from Greek to English. Tyndale was a priest and distinguished Oxford scholar who strongly believed that everyone should be able to read the Bible. In 1523, he asked the bishop of London, Cuthbert Tunstall, for permission to ...

  10. William Tyndale’s work in England was forbidden. Undeterred, Tyndale moved to Germany. Between 1525 and 1535, he translated and printed in English the New Testament and half of the Old Testament. He worked from the Greek and Hebrew original texts, an impressive feat since knowledge of those languages was found only in the highest academic ...

  11. William Tyndale born. 1536. William Tyndale dies. 1555. Latimer and Ridley burned at stake. It would be a passion, though, for which Tyndale would pay dearly. Genius translator. He was a native of ...

  12. William Tyndale (1480 -1536) lebte zu Luthers Zeiten und wurde wie dieser Bibelübersetzer und Führer der englischen Reformation. An den Universitäten von Oxford und Cambridge erlernte er gründlich die griechische Sprache und in Hamburg bei einem jüdischen Gelehrten Hebräisch. 1502 wurde er Priester und später Kaplan.

  13. 3. Mai 2022 · As one biographer says, “One key to Tyndale’s genius is that his ear for how people spoke was so good. The English he was using was not the language of the scribe or lawyer or schoolmaster; it really was, at base, the spoken language of the people.” 1 David Daniell, William Tyndale: A Biography (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994 ...

  14. William Tyndale had at least as much impact on the development of the English language as William Shakespeare. Translators are in considerable awe at what he achieved, despite the most appalling circumstances. Those circumstances included the fact that the English authorities banned all translation of the Bible into English. They had done so in ...

  15. The Tyndale Society was inaugurated in 1995. It followed on from the activities organised the previous year by the William Tyndale Quincentenary Trust. The founder chairman, holding office until 2005, was Professor David Daniell, author of the major modern biography of Tyndale and editor of editions of several of his works.

  16. 3. März 2019 · William Tyndale Biography. English Bible Translator and Christian Martyr. Nearly 150 years after John Wycliffe produced the first complete English translation of the Bible, William Tyndale followed in his ground breaking footsteps. Yet, some Bible historians refer to William Tyndale as the true father of the English Bible.

  17. 25. Sept. 2017 · William Tyndale (ca. 1494–1536) made an enormous contribution to the Reformation in England. Many would say that he made the contribution by translating the Bible into English and overseeing its publication. One biographer, Brian Edwards, states that not only was Tyndale “the heart of the Reformation in England,” he “ was the ...

  18. Einziges vollständiges Exemplar des ersten Drucks des Neuen Testaments in englischer Sprache von William Tyndale, Worms 1526, in der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fördert die elektronische Erfassung der gedruckten Altbestände von 1501-1850 u. a. auch in der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart.

  19. William Tyndale – Geächtet im Namen Gottes (bekannter unter dem englischen Titel: God’s Outlaw: The Story of William Tyndale) ist ein englischer Historienfilm, der im Jahr 1986 unter der Regie von Tony Tew entstand. Der Spielfilm schildert das Leben des Theologen und Übersetzers der englischen Bibel William Tyndale .

  20. 4. Jan. 2022 · William Tyndale (c. 1494—1536) was an English Reformer who is sometimes called the “Captain of the Army of Reformers” due to his pioneering work to advance the truth of God in the face of much resistance. A scholar fluent in eight languages, Tyndale is best known today for his English translation of the Bible.