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  1. Vor 5 Tagen · Robert Wallace, “The Date of Isokrates’ Areopagitikos,” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 90 (1986): 77–84 argues for a date of the speech before the Social War.

  2. Vor 5 Tagen · Diese Quellen, die hauptsächlich in Ägypten zu finden sind, bewahren eine Vielzahl literarischer Texte, von Homer und Sappho bis zu Theognis, Euripides, Isokrates, Menander und Kallimachos, sowie Schreibübungen und vieles mehr.

  3. Vor einem Tag · Nel Panatenaico Isocrate riprende alcuni brani di opere precedenti, per giustificare il proprio percorso pedagogico e ideologico.Nei §§ 130-148 l’oratore rimanda ad alcuni passi dell’Areopagitico sul tema della migliore politeia, identificata nella democrazia antica, stabilita dai successori dell’ultimo re, Teseo.

  4. IBOR Fallback Spread Fixings (March 5, 2021) Track the latest NY Fed Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) data including 30, 90, and 180 day averages and fallback rates.

  5. Vor einem Tag · Reference rates over last four months - US dollar (USD) The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the European Union countries which have adopted the euro. Our main task is to maintain price stability in the euro area and so preserve the purchasing power of the single currency.

  6. Vor 4 Tagen · The Euribor rates are considered to be the most important reference rates in the European money market. The interest rates do provide the basis for the price and interest rates of all kinds of financial products like interest rate swaps, interest rate futures, saving accounts and mortgages.

  7. Vor 3 Tagen · A savings account is simply an account for you to put money in and earn interest. With an instant access account, you can access your money without first giving notice. Easy access accounts enable you to build up a savings pot that you can then access easily if you need to pay for emergency expenses.